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Stupid Question Under the Circumstances

The Jive platform seems to have become as unstable as our life platform.  Changing on a daily basis.

Just tried to "like" something.  Got this in reply with X through the thumbs up:

Not allowed to like.  Seems like the entire Jive platform is self destructing just like our current wold is.  I couldn't capture the hand figure in the screen capture.  Does it matter?  Not really in the scheme of things.  But this was a first for me.  That I wasn't allowed to "like" something.

Well, I LIKE this site.  I like it  LOT.  And we don't need "like" buttons to say so.  And so I have!

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29 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Has the experience been better in the last 12+ hours? I haven't noticed it happening in the last 18ish+ hours.

EX Community Admin Team

Has my experience been better.  Frankly, I don't know.  Well, not given the screenshots below.  My laptop is dying, so it may be reflecting that  (though I've never seen that particular gobble-de-gook before.)  But I want to reiterate what I said which was lost in this process because of what you see below - I haven't been here much in the last 12 to 18 hours.  So I can't say whether it's better or not.  There are so many different issues that have been ongoing:  Not being able to get to someone's page by clicking on an avatar, not being able to embed/upload videos, the fact that the hovercard has never been fixed to relate our true quit dates,  then the Like button not working...   

From my experience on this platform, they supposedly fix something and then it just reoccurs.  So 12 to 18 hours of correction to my mind  isn't in any way sufficient to determine whether it will be long lasting.  Just because it works for 24 hours, doesn't ensure that it will do so for the rest of our experience on the platform.    (Sorry to put out that negative, but it's based on my experience.)  You need several months of a particular function working to acknowledge that it is indeed working and will continue to do so as it should.  Similar to the coronavirus.  18 hours doesn't tell you much in the scheme of things.  

Anyway, I'll try to take note of what's what next time I'm here and "liking" stuff. 



I haven't had any issues today Mark Mark so far so good my fingers and toes are crossed.

I have gotten what you see many times in the past year.  It comes and goes, but happens to me, too.

I am lucky that I quit smoking and gained some patience in the process.  If it happens to something I am trying to post and the "post" button is covered in g*bble-dee-g***k, I copy what I wrote, leave that blog and then come back and paste it to  try again.  It usually resolves itself.  Of course I learned this after losing a fair number of responses - I'm a slow learner!!!

Glad to know I'm not alone and that it's not just my computer dying.  I wonder if we can get a virus from our computer?  lol

This has been an ongoing problem for several months now I let Mark know and sent some screenshots to him but it's still happening it just happened actually ugh. Giulia & YoungAtHeart

0 Kudos

This also happens several times a daily for several months too..... I just cancel everytime on the duplicate one. Giulia


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Thanks Marilyn.  The shadow response has been happening to me also.  It really helps me to know that others are experiencing the same things I am because I often wonder if it's just "my computer."  I find it curious as to the "why" all this has happened, when before everything was going pretty smoothly.  My guess is that because Windows puts up a new platform X Y and Z  is forced to put up a new platform - everybody has to adapt.  I think it's insane, myself.  I think there should just be one BIG BROTHER platform and nobody should have to adjust their own little corner of the internet platform upon which they happen to reside.  I've noticed that many of my programs (camera program, for example) just doesn't work any more.  Period.  And Microsoft happily says, "well, you're using Windows 7 - sorry, we're not going to support it any more, and you need to buy a new computer that has Windows 10.  I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT!  That's simply unfair.  But, as my stepfather brilliantly said:  "Who ever said life was fair."  That helps me get through what I consider unfair.  

Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, we're moving, apparently, to yet another platform here on EX at the end of year or so.  Personally I don't know if I have the energy to go through it all again.  A part of me feels an obligation to figure out how it all works and then pass it on to help people as I have in the past.  Part of me is just tired.  Bone tired.  I've done my part for every platform change over the past 10 years and...  

I'm sorry for the site owners who chose this platform.  They spent a LOT of time trying to select the best possible scenario for their needs as well as ours.  After all this site is FREE to us.  (And free to us does not mean it doesn't cost them big bucks.  I think we take it for granted and forget that.)  They asked the community for our input on what was important to us.  They tried their best (I believe) to incorporate the best of both worlds.  And they spent a lot of time moving our heart-felt material to this platform so we could have it.  I suspect that took hours and hours of work.  (Personally I think that was ultimately a waste of time as most of it was our personal page comments.  And when it was imported our "inbox"  it just became untenable.  Whether it has served "their" end of things (gathering statistics, etc.)  I don't know.  But I hope so.  

IF the platform had performed as expected, I think it would have been a happy marriage.  Unfortunately the Jive platform has not served us in the community at all well because of it's instability.  And too, because I think there are too many options and it becomes difficult to get around the site, let alone figure it out.  Smokers who want to quit need the easiest  possible way to communicate and find answers.  They're already struggling, so it's important to have an ease of communication, not only in connecting to the community, but to resources available. 

My 14 cents worth on this March night of 2020.

I agree with you Giulia 100% on everything you are saying especially when it comes to the new quitters that are struggling and especially right now for everyone no matter where we are in our quits we need to be able to connect with one another without all of these glitches this Covid 19 pandemic is really playing havoc with of us so I'm hoping the tech savvy people can get some things straightened out for us hang on tight everyone to the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE.....

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Been going on for a long time.