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Newest Blogs and Recent Active Blogs

Mark‌  what's the difference?  Seem to have the same content.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Barbscloud

New blogs are the newest created. There is something wrong with the widget so sometimes it goes blank.  To ensure that new blogs are not missed if that ever happens I have created a second blog that bring any blog with a comment back to the top of the list as it has recent activity even if it is older. 


Notice the positioning...

If they fix the New Blogs widget I may get rid of the Recent Active blogs. For now it is ensuring that new blogs are not missed.

In the future please ensure you ask questions like this in Community Help‌. I moved it for you as others may have the same question. Had you not @mentioned me I would have missed it and I don't want things like that to happen.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team