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Last Log In Date

Why does it show JonesCarpeDiem‌ as logging in last on December 9, 2018?  We all know that he is here daily.

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20 Replies

I never log out -  very occasionally I am required to log in.  What shows as my last log in date?

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Your last log-in date is currently reading 2/5/19.  And to @ mention Mark, use quotations around his name.  That's now working for me  i.e. @ "mark" (without the space between the @ and his name in quotes.

Mark‌ Oh well that helps - lol

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For the record, I don't normally pay attention to this date for the "regulars".  But is useful - as least to me - when helping new quitters.  I get concerned if they have not been on the site for a few days.  So I guess really no good way of knowing if they have been on the site or not.


I feel the same way.  On the previous platform we knew if someone was on or when they logged in last.  (I think - at least we knew when they were present.)  It would be so helpful to know when newbies were on the site last.

Giulia wrote:

I feel the same way.  On the previous platform we knew if someone was on or when they logged in last.  (I think - at least we knew when they were present.)  It would be so helpful to know when newbies were on the site last.

I'll see what can be done to improve this. I agree it can be misleading if saving login information is causing last login to seem forever ago. I suspect it has something to do with using single sign-on though I also wonder in some cases if it has to do with ad-blockers as they can block certain events from being recorded, we wouldn't be able to do anything to improve that. I appreciate the feedback.

If you look at someone's activity tab in their profile (Yours) you can see when they were last active. For the people who use reply by email almost exclusively, you won't see them as logged in as a reply by email doesn't count as a login so you'd have to look at the activity tab. I know it's another two steps more than looking at the hover-card though that still is off by one day.

For newbies, it seems that their last login dates appear to update more frequently. Perhaps because they may not save login information at first? I don't remember anything on the elgg community about last login but I do remember the "online" function which wasn't completely accurate as it would still show you online even if you had been offline for ~15ish minutes. We didn't have reply by email and many other functionalities that we do now with this community. 

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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Mark‌ hummmm just checking using the quotations for mentioning your name and it works .

MarilynH wrote:

Mark hummmm just checking using the quotations for mentioning your name and it works .


EX Community Admin Team

For the people who use reply by email almost exclusively, you won't see them as logged in as a reply by email doesn't count as a login

Too bad.  C'est la Jive.