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Difficulties Navigating the Site?

I have read several comments from new members over the past months  who have expressed difficulty in navigating the site.  I think it's important to find out what those specific difficulties are and try to address them.  If the new Jive platform is so rich in functions, but lacking in simplicity - then we need to either narrow down the functions or make them very clear in an easy-to-understand "HOW TO."  

Because there are so many different ways to do any given thing here, it perhaps muddies the waters and creates confusion?  I'm of the older generation, but KISS speaks to my mind.  (I.e. Keep It Simple Stupid.)  So how can we on this site as supporters help you navigate.  And what kind of instructional material would make it easier for you?  Pictures/graphics?  How TO videos?  Tell us what you need that you think would help the most, and tell us what is confusing or lacking for you in instructional material.  What makes it difficult for you to navigate here?

The owners of this site are very open to suggestions and want to make this site the best that it can be.  For both their needs and ours.  Don't site bash, but do site enhance with your suggestions.  

It was very difficult for most of us who came from the old platform to adjust to this new one.  It is still difficult for me on occasion.  And many members have not returned because of the enormous learning curve it took to understand this new one.  

We as supporters need to understand what you are lacking in the nagivating end so that we can instruct you as to how to best get around or point you to specific instructions in the Help part of the community.  The site manager also needs to understand that.

So please - tell us about your confusion in getting around this place.  If the map provided isn't sufficient, then we need to create the map that is.

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14 Replies

I agree with you....although I really like the site and support it is difficult to navigate. I am getting some help from a few others on the site and hopefully I'll be able to navigate better over time. Maybe it's intentional to keep both of our hands moving so we're not smoking cigarettes! 🙂

Wendyjok‌  I like how you think already!  You're going to do fine!  Welcome to EX!  Everyone here is huge at helping!  

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Thanks, Sarah

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I know you didn't ask me this Mona15, but neither of your attachment photos showed up when I clicked on them.  If you mean how to delete the "I'm quitting for (whatever reason you had previous set)" that I can tell you how to do that.  Just specify what exactly it is you want to delete.  If it's your "about me" material, that's a different bunch of steps.  If it's your quit date you want to change, that too is a different bunch of steps.  

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Thank you, Giulia

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