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Can someone tell me the good reason why there are two sets of the same post on the home page?

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My brain can't see a good reason.

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38 Respuestas


It was better the way it was before

0 Kudos


Life evolves.

This is what the new are taught here.  


HA! I never even scroll down below the blue boxes! I just go to home and go to the latest postings box and click. I had to scroll to figure out what you were talking about........does seem kind of redundant.

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It's the same 5 posts double, IT NEVER CHANGES

Honestly, I never noticed, hahaha...perhaps Mark‌ could answer that.

Not lately because the blogs are few and in-between therefore it appears to me that they fall under both categories.  That is all I  could assume.  There is less activity since games have taken precedence. lol

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Community Manager
Community Manager


Thanks for reporting. I'm not sure why it is an identical list, It wasn't that way until recently(see: Difference between Newest Blogs and Recently Active Blogs? ).  It shouldn't be. The "Newest Blogs" should be a list based on when the blog was posted. The "Recently Active Blogs" should be ones that recently have comments independent of when they were posted. So when someone comments on any blog old or new, it should bubbled back to the top. The Recently Active Blogs was added because of the issue with the "Newest Blogs" widget being blank on occasion while they figure out what is happening. (the "recent blogs" window is empty again  and )

Dale, be sure to ask things like this in Community Help‌ so it get's my attention and since it's related to the site and not quitting. That way I get notified. I've moved it. Thanks elvan‌ and Giulia‌ for mentioning me to bring to my attention.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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I just took a screenshot. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Between 2 sets of the same posts and a column full of games the home page is confusing at best.

Couldn't you put the games up in one of the 5 hot buttons at the top of the page to clear the right column for actual discussions and make the two identical columns one so we see 10 different posts instead of the same 5 all day long?

Nothing Changed.jpg

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The "Newest Blogs" widget will only change when someone creates a new blog. Then MarilynH‌' s D.E.B.S. blog will move down, like this.   Something is happening with the "Recently Active Blogs" widget where it isn't re-ordering when someone comments on any blog and putting the blog with most recent activity at the top of the list, like this. The Recent Active Blogs widget is just a temporary fix until the Newest Blogs widget is fixed so it isn't going blank on occasion.

Unfortunately there is no way to exclude only the Games posts in the right column widget at this time. I'll see what other options we have to focus on posts from Conversations‌ and other Non-Games‌ groups.

Thanks for your feedback.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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