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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge - October 2019


Happy October everyone and welcome to the Daily Pledge in the Celebrations & Events  community where we can meet daily to take another person's hand and make our commitment stronger.


It is a very well-known fact that the month of October is filled with a lot of festivals all over the world.


The name October has been derived from the Latin “Octo” which means eight because October was the eighth month of the year, according to the Roman calendar. It was called Winterfylleth, meaning the “fullness of winter”, by the Anglo-Saxons because it had the first full moon of the winter season.


Columbus Day, the second Monday of October, is a national holiday and celebrated in many countries of the Americas as the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in America in 1492.


Halloween, the spookiest night of the year, is celebrated in a number of countries on October 31, the eve of All Hallows’ Day. It is believed that on this day the spirits can wander the earth freely and children can hop for treats in the neighborhood in the guise of various costumes. Interestingly, in terms of expenditure, Halloween is second only to the Christmas.


Also, in the U.S.A., October not only marks the onset of the festive season but is also celebrated as the National Pizza Month, Popcorn Month, Pork Month and Sausage Month.


Many famous personalities were born in October, including Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869. He was one of the famous leaders of the Indian Independence.


Bill Gates, the world’s richest man from 1995 to 2017, was born on October 28, 1955. He is not only the founder of Microsoft but also an investor, author and philanthropist. He built Microsoft, the world’s largest PC software company. Bill Gates is a proponent of higher taxes, particularly for the rich.



Now that you have a few facts about October, it is time to pledge


How to pledge: 

  1. Go to top of page and click the link for Latest Reply.Latest Reply.png
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.pagination.png
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.Reply.png
  3. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.
  4. Check out this handy quit calendar to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator or check out My Quit Plan.

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. How cool is that! 

Etiquetas (1)
Etiquetas (1)
678 Respuestas

Good Morning, Barb, This is Michael, acxcepting your hand of

encouragement. with it I pledge to remain a non-smoker for today, and


I now reach out my hand to the next pledger with enthusiasm.




On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 5:15 AM Barbscloud <>


Good morning Michael, I'll take your hand and pledge not to smoke today and extend my hand to the next Ex's 


Arlene 70DOF


Good morning Michael Mavihoja.  I gladly take your hand and pledge not to smoke today. I offer my hand to the next in line willing to take this pledge with us.


Kim DOF 76


Good morning ABoyd63 i will gladly take your hand and pledge not to smoke

and extend my other hand to the next pledger have a blessed day


Thank you for your hand Kboyd66‌ !  I pledge not to vape today no matter what comes my way!  NOPE!!!  I am strong in my commitment and resolve.  Not one puff, no way,  no how, no nicotine for me today!  And I offer my hand to the next Exer ready to pledge!




Sherilyn, I pledge no smoking, vaping, or ingesting nicotine in whatever form today.  Thanks for your hand!  Congrats on 83 beautiful days!  Reaching my other hand out for our next pledger.


398 DOF


Hi Dave

Thank you for pledging today - I will gladly take your hand and pledge the same - NOPE and thank you for reaching out.  I extend my hand to the next Exer if they would like it

Ginny 40 DOF


Congratulations on day 1....we are here to support you one day at a time.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 7:48 AM, Jeanmarc19561<> wrote:

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Re: The Daily Pledge - October 2019

reply from Jeanmarc19561 in Celebrations & Events - View the full discussion

Kkplayhouse, I am grabbing your hand and how not to smoke today. Sorry if I'm gripping too hard, it's day 1 for me. Have a free hand for the next determined soul.

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Thanks for your hand Amlatt‌!

I pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand to the next in line.

Lynne 956 dof