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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge February 2017

Happy February everyone, welcome to the Daily Pledge on the Celebrations & Events page where we can meet daily to take another person's hand and make our commitment stronger.

How to pledge: click on the Comment bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end, immediately above you, offer your free hand to the next pledge and you've made your pledge.  

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you, all of you keeping each other strong How cool is that! 

Now for some fun stuff

  1. Black History Month 2017
    • begins Wednesday, February 1
      • (today)
    • ends Tuesday, February 28  
      1. Image result for black history monthImage result for black history monthImage result for black history monthImage result for black history month
        Black History Month, also known as African-American History Month in America, is an annual observance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom for remembrance of important people

Thursday, February 2nd is Groundhog day. Will he see his shadow?

February 13th is Lincoln's Birthday 

February 14th is Valentine's day, Love your Quit!

February 20th President's Day (YAY! Many will get the day off)

Washington's Birthday


February 28th

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525 Replies

I am taking Smorgy hand and pledging to not smoke today. My hand is extended for the next person.


Got your hand, Shawn, thanks.  I will not smoke today.  No how, no way.  And that's a promise.  Here's my hand to the next Pledgling.....


I will gladly take your hand Giulia and pledge not to smoke no matter what is happening in life and here's my free hand to the next person in line. 


Yay!  I get to take MarilynH‌'s hand and pledge not to smoke today no matter what!  I hold my hand out for the nEXt in line to join us and pledge!

Susan, 66 DOF 


YAY, this is fun this morning because I get to take  susan-m 's hand and pledge not to smoke no matter what is happening in life and here's my free hand to the next person in line. 

Marilyn 940 DOF 


Let me take your hand Marilyn and pledge not to smoke today and hold my other hand out to the next in line. 

Darren 110 DOF


Good morning Zeus,

I take your hand and pledge not to smoke.  My other hand goes to the next person in line


334 DOF


Good morning, Daniela, I am honored to take your hand as I pledge to stay smoke-free! I offer my free hand to the next person waiting to pledge!   ~Terrie~   63 days free!

Have a great smoke-free day!

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I'm thankful for your hand, Terrie, and happy to join you in the pledge to not smoke today no matter what. Here is my hand for the next to pledge with us. c2q:commit to the quit


I pledge today in honor of John Williams, Academy Award-winning composer (Star Wars, Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T., Home Alone and Harry Potter…) 


Good morning Pati. I will gladly take your hand and pledge not to smoke. NMW. I extend my hand to the nEXt brave soul.

Sent from my iPhone

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