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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge August 2019

Hello, August!

Happy August everyone and welcome to the Daily Pledge in the Celebrations & Events  community where we can meet daily to take another person's hand and make our commitment stronger.


How to pledge: 

  1. Go to top of page and click the link for Latest Reply.Latest Reply.png
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.pagination.png
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.Reply.png
  3. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.
  4. Check out this handy quit calendar to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator or check out My Quit Plan.



You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.


As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. How cool is that!

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503 Replies

I'll happily take your hand Colleen and pledge to remain Smokefree while EXtending my free hand to the next person in line, my prayers are with you and everyone in the path of hurricane Dorian to be safe and sound. ♥

Marilyn 1874 DOF 


Marilyn I'll take your hand and pledge to be smoke free today. Add my prayers of safety to those in the path of the hurricane and I extend my other hand to the next Exer.


Thanks for your hand Kkplayhouse‌!

I pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand to the next in line.

Lynne 911 dof


Thanks for your hand Lynne and congrats on your quit.  I'm staying the course and pledge not to vape today no matter what comes my way!  And I offer my hand to the next Exer ready to pledge!


38 DOF


Hi Sherilyn! Thanks for your hand. I pledge today to not vape or smoke, even with friends! I’ve thrown away the last reminders of tobacco and am ready for September. I extend my hand to the next in line!




Hi Hannah, congratulations on 1 day won!!!  I will grab on to that hand as I pledge to not smoke today no matter what! I offer my other hand to the next EX to take the pledge.

Connie 33 DOF



Hannah, Way to go! Congrats on the first day of your quit!  Stay close to this group for support and know that YOU are STRONG and YOU can do this.  I never thought that I would be successful at this quit but here I am doing this!  If I can do this, so can you!  Believe in yourself and remember all the reasons why you quit. Remind yourself of these reasons!  You aren't depriving yourself of smoking but instead you're making a confident choice to get rid of those death sticks and open yourself up to a new life without all the anxiety of smoking!  Visualize a new you that isn't anxious about quitting but calm knowing you've made a really good decision for yourself.   Quitting doesn't have to be agony but just a new way of doing things.  It gets so much better,  I don't even hsve cravings anymore.   It was a habit so when I reach for something I try to distract myself immediately.   The cravings do go away and you'll be so proud of yourself for quitting.  Keep on and I wish you all the luck in the world!  Oh yes...there are two books from Amazon that have made a difference in my quit!  Allen Carr's book about quitting smoking and the other book is:  The Smoking Cure, How to Quit Smoking Without Feeling Like Shit by Caroline Cranshaw (Hypnotist and Addiction Specialist). These two books are my go-to every day and are dog-earred as well.  Anytime that I have even an iota of doubt or need motivation, I turn to these two books and of course, this group here.  From Sherilyn

Sorry for such a long response, just feeling prolific today!

Have an awesome weekend to all my fellow Ex-ers!  We can do this!


Hi everyone. For some odd reason I thought I pledged this morning then realized I didn't. Thank you for your hand. SherilynX ‌. I pledge to continue to be smoke free tonight. I offer my other hand to anyone willing do take pledge.

Kim 31 DOF


Thank you so much for the book recommendations!


Good Morning Kim! I see you've started into No Man's Land. Congrats! I'll gladly accept your offer of a hand up and pledge with you to not smoke today. I will offer my other hand to the next quit winner!

Julie 354 DOF