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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

September Daily Pledge 2023

September 2023 Daily Pledge.png


Welcome - to the first, or hundred and first, or one thousand and first day of your quit!

Hey there, as September rolls in, bringing cooler breezes and cozy vibes, it's a fantastic moment to take stock of the things we love about this month. From the changing colors of leaves to the excitement of new beginnings, September has its own charm. And in the midst of all this, let's commit together to breaking free from long-standing habits.

That might mean things like smoking, vaping, or using different kinds of tobacco. And don't forget, even treatments that help us quit, like gum or patches with nicotine, can become habits if we use them too much or not how they're meant to be used.

Right from the start, things might feel a bit odd, like trying something new. Sometimes, we might need to ask for help more often, make a pledge to do better, and gather courage from folks who are going through similar things. It's important to keep an eye on ourselves and stick to our goal. As time goes on, it tends to get a tad easier, which is a pretty good feeling. But remember, we should still check in – maybe daily, weekly, or when we suddenly crave a smoke again. This helps us stay strong in our aim to quit smoking. Plus, we can also swing by to help others who are on the same journey.

You're welcome to drop in anytime you want. Accept the support from someone who's been where you are – they might even be on their first day, just like you. Exciting, right? Whenever you reach out to help someone else who's quitting, it's like shouting, "Yep, I've got this! And you can do it too!"

Keep in mind, we're all in this together. There's a bunch of strength and something truly special in making this promise as a team. Have a great September!

How to pledge

  1. Go to the last reply. Scroll down until you see the pagination and click the last page number.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the last page and look for the last response to see who pledged before you. Click the Reply button immediately below that post to take the hand before you and offer your open hand to the next person.

  3. Start your post with the @ symbol and wait for a pop-up. The first username in the pop-up will be the last person to reply to the pledge. Select that username in the pop-up and then compose your reply.

  4. Click the Reply button below the text box when you're done to publish your pledge. As an alternative you can pledge using the reply and quote buttons. Watch this short video to learn how. 

  5. You've made your pledge!  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.

  6. Check out this handy quit calculator to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator or check out My EX Plan.

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. 

If these Daily Promises help you - use them.  If they don't - create your own.

EX Community Admin Team
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559 Respuestas

@Gail561 I take your hand to pledge not to smoke today and am praying fervently I can actually stick to it!!


Thanks for your hand @Cat_Mom_Jen !

I pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand to the next in line.

Lynne 2390 days


Good mornimg @wlh I gladly accept your hand and pledge not to smoke today.  Extending my hand to the next Exer pledging.



2015 D


@Barbscloud i accept your hand and pledge to not smoke today. extending my hand to next person


@dylanthomwebb Welcome to the Ex and the Pledge.



@Barbscloud I gladly accept your hand and pledge not to smoke today.  Extending my hand to the next Exer pledging.

We are stronger together.


 Good morning

  I'll gladly take your hand this morning @rubper83  and pledge No Smoking for me today as I extend my free hand to the next Winner in line.



Good Morning @Cousin-Itt !!!!! I am happily taking your extended free hand and pledging not to smoke today. Additionally, I am extending my free hand to the next person in line. Have a Fabulous Day!!!  😀


Good morning, @Liddyblu and thank you for your hand.

It's a cold, wet, windy, messy Monday morning.  This is a great day to be a non-smoker.  I pledge to keep the day smoke free!

I extend my hand and support to the next Exer.

Keep the Quit

@PastTense I am happy to take your hand and pledge not to smoke today. I extend my other free hand in support to the next person in line. Have a great day!
