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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


September 2014 Daily Pledge----Falling Leaves and Quits Standing Strong

Another month of a solid quit or another month of struggles to keep your quit?     One way that many of us keep and grow our quit is to rely on the support of our EX family members.     The Daily Pledge page is a way to do that.  

So, I will start this month with the pledge to not smoke today no matter what may come my way!       I stretch out my hand to the next to come along and pledge for their smobriety!

Sharon 392 Days of Freedom

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122 Replies

Thank you for your hand Sharon and I pledge not to smoke for 24 hrs and extend my free hand to the next in line!!


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I take your hand Mag and pledge to not smoke today or any other day for the rest of my life.  Happy Birtday Sharon and Congrats to all on their freedom days~! I extend my hand to the next EX in line.


304 DOF

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I take your hand Jackie and promise not to smoke for the next 24 hours no matter what happens, no matter how grueling the task. 
I would like for us all to at some point in today, a very sad and dark day in our history, that we take the time to remember everyone in the towers, the pentagon, the brave souls who ran into the mouth of hell at the time we had been shattered. We all stood up. Lets remember the soldiers that have fought and all the brave sould aboard United Flight 93 as they took over cockpit from the coward terrorists! They saved many lives that day! This is what it means to be truly free to stand up for what you believe in. so we today can know the feeling of freedom.

I extend my hand to the next willing to pledge in line


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I gladly take your hand Zackie, and I now commit myself to stop smoking for the next 24 hrs. I extend my free hand to the next person in line. I agree with you about 9/11.

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Morning everyone, wow life has been very hectic lately but I have hung on to my quit, Congratulation Sharon on your 400 days of freedom sorry i wasn't here but I do think about this site everyday and my resolve to stay smoke free.

Summer I gladly take your hand and pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours no matter what life throws at me and extend my free hand out tot he next pledge in line


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Morning all!    Running out the door to meet a friend for breakfast but have to get my pledge in!    Harry, good to see you and thanks for your hand.    I hang on as I pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!    My other hand out to the next in line!

Sharon    403   DOF

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I gladly take your hand Sharon and pledge not to smoke for 24 hrs and extend my free hand to the next in line!!


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Thank you for your hand Mag. I'm here to state my pledge with conviction, no smoking today, no matter what! I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and an easy smoke free weekend! Hands out, heart open!♥

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I gladly take your hand Cory. I pledge that I will not smoke the next 24 hours no matter what is thrown my way! There is nothing nicotine can do to help! I hold my free hand out for the next to pledge in line.


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Good morning to all and a chilly one here in MN in fact I am glad that I don't have to stand outside anymore as I am smoke free yah whooooo

Zackie thank you for your supportive hand as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours no matter what and extend my free hand out to the next in line


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