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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

Pledge Your Way Daily Through May 2017


Happy May everyone! Welcome to the Daily Pledge in the Celebrations & Events community where we can meet daily to take another person's hand and make our commitment stronger.


How to pledge: 

  1. Go to the top of the page and click the link for Latest Reply.Latest Reply.png
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.pagination.png
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.Reply.png
  3. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. How cool is that! 


The Daily Promises

EX Community Admin Team
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529 Replies

Thanks for your hand Jim.  I pledge not to smoke today and have my other hand extended for the next person to pledge with us today.

Lynne 81 dof


I'll gladly accept the hand of a fellow Marcher leading the way having quit early in the month! Congrats to you, Lynne. I pledge no smoking today and offer my hand of support to the next person also pledging today.

Doug - 63 DOF


Good morning Doug!  Let me be the first to reach out and take your hand on this so so so very important day for me today....yep people,,,,,that's right, the day is finally here!!!!! Pops has been pledging all year long to not smoke one single puff of "any" form whatsoever....NO MATTER WHAT.....for one year today!!!!! So who is going to take my other hand and hold onto this steady hand as I pledge to not smoke for another wonderful day of Freedom?!!!!!


Good morning Pops, I would be honored to take your hand and congratulate you on this important day! You rock! I will pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand for the next person to join us Kelly 83 dof


I gladly take your hand Kelly and extend my other to the next in line as we promise not to smoke today!~ 995 DOF~Missy

0 Kudos

A Red Flower.gif

Good Morning, Mandolinrain! I also promise not to smoke today and hold your free hand as i extend my free one to the next in line ready to pledge. Thank you!

0 Kudos

I take your hand Florflor and pledge to stay smoke free today NMW!  I offer my free hand to the next person willing to pledge, Pamela 91 DOF

0 Kudos

I gladly take your hand Pamela and pledge not to smoke, here's my free hand to the next person in line. 

Marilyn 1045 DOF 

0 Kudos

C'mon, Marilyn.  Hand it over.  You know what.  That right there:  what you're hiding behind your back.  Thank you!  Now say it with me.  "I will NOT smoke today."  Great!  Now here's my other hand.  Anyone?  One hand with which to pledge?

Puff - 632 DOF

0 Kudos

I'm new to this so hopefully I'll do it right. I pledge not to smoke today.