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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Let the NICO-DEMON be the April Fool!

Let the NICO-DEMON be the April Fool! Don't let this be you! Protect your quit by coming here and making your pledge not to smoke!

April 22nd is Earth Day! Keep your promise not to smoke! Keep butts off the ground!


    Earth Day

             Earth Day     
            Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.    
           April 27th is Administrative professionals Day! Let's Celebrate with our EX Admin.friends, that keep our site up and running and are in the process of making EX better so we can support and encourage one another to protect our quits!     
           Last but not least is Arbor day April 29th! Plant a tree! Tree's keep dangerous carbon out of the air and add precious oxygen, making it easier for us to breathe!     

      Arbor Day

                     Arbor Day           
                    Arbor Day is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Today, many countries observe such a holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.          

Well that's enough about all that! Although I did learn some pretty good stuff about the month of April!, sorry if I bored you all!

I want to thank each and everyone of you for coming to this pledge group, making your commitment stronger helps make my commitment stronger and has made the group stronger! You guys and gals are awesome!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!

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278 Replies

Terrie, I gladly take your hand as I pledge to not smoke today and I reach out my free hand to the next person in line to pledge.
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Good Morning.      I am pleased to be here today on a rainy, cold morning in MN.   Just thinking SO glad I don't have to stand outside in this.        Thanks for your hand Dotgirl, I'll hold on and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!     I'll hold out my other hand to the next in line.

Sharon 997 DOF


This is how we do it!!!

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Sharon sending a warm hug and holding on to your hand.. I pledge to stay smoke free this next 24 hours and reach out to next to pledge . That is exactly how it feels to reach some days and exactly the response of all you EXers ready to embrace us!! Cindy Day 25!!
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Hello All!

Cindy, thankis for your hand.  Ihold on and pledge not to smoke this day no matter what  and offer my free hand in support to the next person in line.

Victoria  246 DOF

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Hi Victoria, thanks for your hand! I happily take it and pledge not to smoke today, no matter what the day brings.

I extend my free hand to the next person to pledge 🙂

Have  great day, everyone


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Good Morning All

I gladly take your hand Joyce and I pledge to not smoke no matter what and offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge!!

Mag at 1017 Days of Freedom

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Hello, Everyone! I am impressed! We are to page 6! Who'd have thunk?

Mag I take your hand this day and hold it as I make a promise not to put a stinky cigarette to my lips or around my face! and I hold my hand out to the next person in line to promise the same!  We Rock!   Terrie 297 DOF

I Won't Quit on my Quit!

Ps. Sharon I am only 700 days behind you now! I know I can! I know I can!

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Good afternoon! I made it! I have been out on a shopping spree.

Terrie, i am taking your hand and offering mine up to the next person. Shawn 1,503 DOF

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Running late but not running to get a cigarette!

I gladly take your hand, Shawn, and promise not to smoke for the next 24 hours no matter what happens. I offer my other hand to the next person to pledge...

-Penny 5 days smoke-free

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Good Morning to all!      Penny, so glad to see you here!    I'm going to take your hand and hold on as I pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what comes my way!   I will hold out my hand to the next to come along.

Be sure to ride the Freedom Train today.......I've got some special things for our special Winners........

Sharon 998 DOF


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