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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


I Pledge Not To Smoke - June 20,21,22 - CLOSED - Please Pledge in the current pledge area

It's Also Time To Throw All Cigarettes You Would Have Smoked Since You Quit Into The Bonfire This Week End. I like to do this in memory of those that have died of Cancer. So This Week I want to Throw My Cigarettes into the Bonfire for Moonbug Jean and my friend Randall and also Danielle's grandmother who just died recently. So Please Also Post in the Bonfire Post and Throw in Your Unsmoked Cigarettes.

I pledge that I will not smoke today or tonight because I believe in myself today.


I pledge to go to bed happy and proud I am doing so smoke free and so proud I accomplished my pledge goal for the day. I am liking not smelling like ashtrays.

I pledge to be my best today and even if I feel crabby I will fight through it.

I pledge no excuses today or tonight because I want my smoke free...dom more.

I pledge I like the Smoke Free Me !

I pledge to find someone today that could use the Daily Pledge to help them build their Smoke Free Journey and have them join our Daily Smoke Free pledge !

I pledge if I do think about cigarettes today I will think of the most horrific effect of smoking. So the picture I will think of will be of cancer or death or hospitals.

Since I am planning on a smoke free day I extend my great smelling hands of support to the next person in line...........
Go Out Make This a Super Successful Smoke Free Day ...DEAL?

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12 Replies

I pledge not to smoke today or tonight and extend my hand to the next in line. on saturday i was around smokers i still like the smell but didnt want one !

4 weeks 1 day woo hoo !
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Congratulations Danielle on your 4 weeks. I take your hand, and I pledge not to smoke June 16 through the 19th. I extend my hand to the next person to joing in this pledge.
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I pledge not to smoke today, June 16. I extend my hand to the next in line. I like the smoke free me!!
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I pledge not to smoke today or tonight

I have not smoked for 4 weeks, 9 hours, 19 minutes, 44 seconds. I have not smoked 567 cigarettes. I have saved $113.40
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I pledge to continue on this journey of not smoking forever and freeing myself from this addiction one day at a time.
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I pledge not to smoke today or tonight, and this is my pledge for tomorrow as well being I have a very busy day scheduled for me.

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 54 minutes and 58 seconds (15 days). I have saved $33.04 by not smoking 105 cigarettes. I have saved 8 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/1/2008 8:02 PM
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Super Quit Ashley ... I extend my hand of support to you and the next in line .....
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I'm taking Ashley's hand and pledging to not smoke all of Tuesday, June 17th and reaching out to the next in line
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I pledge not to smoke today or tonight,Extend my hand to the next in line.

As of Tuesday, June 17, 2008, at 9:02am, You had quit smoking for 4 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes, 46 seconds. The number of cigarettes You had not smoked since quitting was 601 and the money saved was $180.30.
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