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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Daily Pledge September 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen.....she ain't much, but we have each other. Welcome to the NEW Daily Pledge Group. Pretty much the same as the old except there aren't any members..........LMAO Bring the quit team.....Let's this thing done!

I will not smoke for the nEXt 24 and I EXtend my FREE HAND and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

My name is Papa Jimmy, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 2 years, 2 months, 13 days, 12 hours, 1 minute and 56 seconds (805 days).

I've not smoked 16110 death sticks, and saved $3,747.14.
I've saved 55 days, 22 hours and 30 minutes of my life.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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I will not smoke for the nEXt 24 hours and I EXtend my FREE HAND and strength to the nEXt EX in line. 



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Hello I take all the hands before me and pledge not to smoke in the next 24 hours. I extend my free hand and strength to all.   

My name is Christine, and I am a nicotine addict.

I have stopped nicotine for 1 year, 10 months, 4 days, 17 hours and 36 seconds (673 days).

I've not smoked 13474 death sticks, and saved $2,701.57.

I've saved 46 days, 18 hours and 50 minutes of my life.

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Hi!  I will not smoke for the nEXt 24 hours and EXtend my free hand the the nEXt in line


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I'll clutch Peggy's hand really tight, pledge to not smoke for the next 24 hours, and extend my formerly-nicotine stained hand to the next in line.

Actually, can I go ahead and pledge for the next 24 YEARS? I saw a cigarette butt on my little hike this afternoon and thought, "ooooh, gross, who would smoke those things?"

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I'm very proud to stand amongst you all. Youngsters, Newbees, look at the LONG TERM quitters that are showing support here right now. They have great advice to offer and great support as well. If you want to get quit and stay that way, seek these folks out. Thanks for your continued support, as long as we are helping the situation in some way it must be good! I wish I had some artistic freedom here cause if you had a web camera I'd be showing your face in the mirror up there. Wouldn't that rock?

hwc I feel very comfortable accepting your 24 year pledge and make mine right with you. I think it is good that we show the new folks that NOT VERY LONG into our quits WE are permanently and successfully QUIT! EX's! DONE! TRANSFORMED! I don't even relate to them or think about them except in this support work. We are to show you that 1 DAY AT A TIME works and all you have to do is NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF! guys remember that fella at work that quit the same day as me? HE has quit and relapsed twice now in that time frame. He gets about 100 to 150 days and POOF! Done! It looks SOOOOOO pathetic to me now I have to just feel sorry for them. I offer the direction and let it be, nothing else you can do I suppose.



In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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I'll take any and all hands and offer mine up to the next quitter.  I could not have done it without many hands to glom onto.  4 1/2 years free and offering my hand to the next pledgling in line.  I have given up smoking entirely.  Will you?  Hold on tight.  You CAN.  Grab my hand....

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It's hard for me to even remember being a smoker. I can remember listening to myself wheeze with every breath, that rattle that you get after 38 years of a pack a day. But now, I can't imagine smoking. This afternoon we had glorious weather: 74 degrees, bright blue sky. Crisp 15 mph breeze. So I went out for a 5k walk/hike, through some farm fields, along the river, over the footbridge by the old mill, up the long half-mile hill to the state park, where I trucked through the woods overlooking the river. I could even imagine doing any of that as a smoker. Hell, it was all I could do to walk to the mailbox. It's insidious how smoking slowly robs you of your physical fitness. You have no idea until you quit and start doing things that normal people do their entire lives.

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 hwc- i"ll take your hand and join you in pledging to not smoke for the next 24 hours and 24 years.  I too have learned to love getting fit and am so pleased with the things my body will do for me now that I am quit 10 months!  I am blessed to be able to do most things I want to do.  Smoking robs you of your energy and your fitness spirit! So glad to have mine back and I have you, hwc and aztec, to thank for motivating me to get started!


Bonnie 29 minutes ago

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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I got up this morning and I looked in the mirror. I saw an EX smoker that no longer suffers from a steady stream of the poisons. I see a EX smoker on the HEALING path and it is GOOD! I pledge to remain on that path NO MATTER WHERE IT TWISTS AND TURNS, no matter where it goes and what happens, I will not smoke! I pledge to remain smoke free and I pledge to help as many of my fellow addicts to make that choice for themselves as I can.

So I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.


In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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