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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Celebrate the Holidays and celebrate your quit by protecting it!

December, here we are! Time flies, doesn't it? There are a lot of things going on this month, that may cause stress/ anxiety. Lot's of family, friends presents to buy and not much money to buy them with. Remember that those things are going to be there whether we smoke or not! Smoking helps nothing and creates more stress! So, please, remember to get your butt in here to pledge and so will I, so we can lift each other up and strengthen our commitments!

Let's begin with Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, celebrated on December 7th.

  1. National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

           National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day   
          National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, also referred to as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day or Pearl Harbor Day is observed annually in the United States on December 7, to remember and honor the 2,403 citizens of the United States who were killed in the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941.    
        · Text under CC-BY-SA license    


    December 21rst is the first day of winter, get your hats, gloves, and scarves out and ready to go!


December 25th is Christmas Day! The day we celebrate our savior! and Santa and get/give presents! I only do for Brandy and my youngest daughter, Sarah. I send homemade greeting cards with a picture of Brandy and I on them to family and close friends. I buy small things at the dollar tree for my AA friends and usually pass some out to homeless too. In past years I have also volunteered to help serve the meal down at the Salvation Army. What do you do during the Holidays? Stay busy! NO SMOKING REQUIRED!


Also on December 25th  is the first day of Hanukkah!



            Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication.      
            · Text under CC-BY-SA license      

Kwanzaa begins December 26th. Happy Kwanzaa!


      Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration held in the United States and in other nations of the Western African diaspora in the Americas. The celebration honors African heritage in African-American culture and is observed from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a feast and gift-giving.      
          Kwanzaa has seven core principles. It was created by Maulana Karenga and was first celebrated in 1966–67.        
                 · Text under CC-BY-SA license          



The Nguzo Saba  
(The Seven Principles)
Dr. Maulana Karenga


Nguzo Saba symbol for the seven principles of Kwanzaa Kwanzaa was created to introduce and reinforce seven basic values of African culture which contribute to building and reinforcing family, community and culture among African American people as well as Africans throughout the world African community. These values are called the Nguzo Saba which in Swahili means the Seven Principles. Developed by Dr. Karenga, the Nguzo Saba stand at the heart of the origin and meaning of Kwanzaa, for it is these values which are not only the building blocks for the community but also serve to reinforce and enhance them.




Last but not least, December 31rst is New Year's Eve. and at 12:01 we will be starting 2017!

Ready, set, pledge!

My name is Terrie and I have 513 days smoke-free! I pledge not to smoke this day and I am reaching my free hand out to the next person that wants to pledge!

Happy December! Don't Quit on your Quit! ~Terrie~

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313 Replies

Good morning, Mag.  I am happy to take your hand as I pledge not to smoke today, no matter what. I offer my free hand to the next person who would like to pledge.

Ellen 1051 DOF

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Hello, Ellen, I gladly take your hand as I pledge not to smoke! I am holding out my free hand to the next person that wants to pledge!

Terrie  518 DOF

Don't Quit on your Quit!

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Well hello Terrie looky at whose hand I get to hold. Yay and thank you for your strong hand to hold and I pledge not to smoke no matter what!  I offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge.

Sharon 206 DOF

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Hey Girl Friend - I got your hand.  The day is almost over but I will still PLEDGE NOT TO SMOKE TODAY.

Here is my other hand to anyone who comes next.

Lillian 170 Days of Freedom from cigarettes

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Good Morning all.   Going to be a cold one today.       So glad I don't have to stand out in it and smoke those nasty things!

Lillian, thanks for your hand.    I'll hold on and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what!      My other hand is out to the next in line.

Sharon 1219 DOF

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Oh my dear Sharon allow me to hold your hand. Let's walk together thru today pledging to Not Smoke no matter what!! 

I reach out to next to join us in keeping our commitment together being stronger!!

cindy247 DOF 

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Cindy! I get to hold your hand! I take it gratefully as I pledge: I will NOT smoke today! I reach out my free hand to the next person in line to pledge...

Penny 37 DOF

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Hi there, PennyLynn, I am happy to take your hand this morning as I pledge not to smoke, no matter what.  I offer my free hand to the next person waiting to pledge.

Ellen 1052 DOF

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Hello, Ellen, 2 days in a row, it has been my pleasure to hold your hand and promise not to smoke NO MATTER WHAT! I offer my free hand to the next person in line to pledge! ~Terrie~

Don't Quit on your Quit!

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Good morning All

I get to hold you hand Terrie and pledge to not smoke for today

and reach out my hand to the next in line to pledge!!

P.S. I had to change my name  Magstoyou!!

Mag at 1239 Days of Freedom

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