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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


50th Day of Freedom

I am sure that my 50th day without taking a puff, pales when one considers the milestones most of you have reached since the day you quit--but I've made it so far. 

As you can probably tell, I'm having some of those "pangs" that go along with my resolve to stay with NOPE. I've got to say that I'm curious though, and realize that giving in to that temptation is the worse thing I could do. 

Fortunately, the "pangs" don't last long, and I have so many of you to thank for the encouragement you have given me since I've quit. 

I expect that I'll need more of the same soon enough. Please stay with me; as a life-long smoker, my life has changed drastically in these last 50 days. I hope there's more coming. 

My best to everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because you are the best. 

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12 Replies

You have a wonderful smoke-free Christmas and New Year yourself!

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I applaud your wisdom in what you told your health coach.  Do the doctors REALLY think we didn't know what we were doing to our health?  Did they really believe a picture of a smoker's lung was going to cause us to go, "Oh, gosh, I will just stop this "bad habit" right now.  What we REALLY needed was education about this addiction....if I had known about the Allen Carr book, I believe I would have quit sooner.  The hideous lung pictures - not so much!



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Thanks for the holiday wishes.


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