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Read a member curated list of EX Community content over 10+ years


The United States of America was built by a diverse group of people. The strength, resilience, and richness of the United States of America are based on the diversity of its citizens. Everyone is equal in worth, and is entitled to the same privileges and opportunities regardless of their age, national origin, disability, gender, or race. Each of us has our own unique background and talents.

Diversity creates a Community that is enriched with people from different cultures and that have different experiences, lifestyles, backgrounds, perspectives, and ideas. A diverse Community:

  • recognizes and values talent.
  • eliminates barriers and ensures that all members are treated fairly and have the chance to reach their maximum potential.
  • encourages the exchange of ideas which not only broadens the scope of problem solving, but also improves the possibility that the problems will be solved.

Ours is a Diverse Community and that's an integral aspect of what makes it so effective in achieving SUCCESS!!! We don't always see eye to eye but we have RESPECT for each other!

I don't always agree with "tough love" and I don't always agree with moddly coddling, either!

Each contact I have with a new member is based on my own experience. I bring to the table my diagnosis of COPD (even when I don't mention it!), my SUCCESS, my personality! It can hardly be otherwise.

It's for the Newbie to take what is useful to them and leave the rest from all the comments and advice they receive!

I disagree that there are any few people in control of what goes on here! We all have equal opportunity to add our own input. I've seen many, many, members come and go, some drifting in and out. It's only natural that we are drawn to some members more than others. And time online is a commodity.

I most often center on folks with COPD and then on other members who I feel are open to the Fantastic Change which is necessary to become a true EX.

That's because my quits in the past have been for Months even Years but not sincere! I was just borrowing time, "cleaning out my lungs so I can smoke some more!" So I know the difference! I Know that's just not good enough!

You bring your own talents, experience and personality to your Comments! Each of us contributes something that may help that individual make the ultimate decision - to live addiction FREE!

I would like to remind you so you don't get depressed that as you see folks come and go, remember that you have no idea how many mustard seeds you are planting on the way! Maybe that person will come back later or maybe somebody else read that Comment to So-and-So and took it to heart!

I think we'd all be surprised at how many people are lurking, reading everything but choose to remain out of the limelight!

Finally, contribute what you have and respect that other contributor, too! We all make this Community a Great Place to be and most important SUCCESSFUL!

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21 Replies

keeping it real

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This is going to show my age but "Anything you want, anything you need, anything at got it."  That's what diversity does for everyone trying to quit.  Haven't quoted Roy Orbison for at least 2 decades 🙂


Thank you Thomas, our voice of reason!

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Yes Thomas - it does take a village!  Wonderful blog. We needed that! Thank you.

0 Kudos

Ah - yes! Thank you Thomas!

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Awesome blog!!! Thank you Thomas!

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Diversity is one of the things I find most important in this group.  We all bring different skills and needs to the table, and most importantly, all are accepted! Even someone a 1/4 turn off like me!


Amen and amen.

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Great blog Thomas!    

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Well said

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