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Craving Buster Technique

(Note:  this piece was first published in a blog by @aztec  back in 2012 called  Craving - EX Community    The original author april_ac was from another site.  Thank you Aztec for bringing it here!)


We interupt todays broadcast..for a test! (TRY THIS!)


Ok...especially you newbies...I want you to REALLY try this.


Don't give me that "AWWW Man!!" It's not a hard test!! More of an "exercise"!


I want you to stop what you are doing right now....and look around the room. Look at everything. Take your time. (Don't read any further until you do that.)



Now...I want you to look around the room AGAIN...and this time find all of the things that are RED. FOCUS on the things that are RED. REALLY look at them! (Don't read any further until you do that.)



This time....look around and find all of the things that are BLUE. Again...FOCUS on only the stuff that is Blue. REALLY look at them! (Don't read any further until you do that.)



Now....look around the room ONE more time. (Don't read any further until you do that.)



Did the things that were Red and BLUE stand out to you the most?? Probably! Know why? Because THAT is what you were FOCUSING on!


Do ya see where I'm going with this??


WHATEVER you focus on the what will be stronger...stand out more....become MORE dominate. JUST LIKE CRAVINGS!! If you FOCUS for too long on the GETS STRONGER.


So...SHIFT your focus AWAY from the craving!


What do you mean you can't do that....that it's too hard??? You just DID IT in that little mental exercise a minute ago!!! How much were you focusing on smoking while you were looking around the room...focusing on the Red and Blue stuff?? Probably not much...if at ALL!


It DOES work.


While I don't crave cigarettes anymore...I do have other areas of my life where I use that exercise. Sometimes it's needed to RE-focus on the GOOD things I have...when I'm feeling down. It gets my mind AWAY from the "pity party" state.


Make this work for you. It's your quit....It's your life.


And it's worth fighting for!


Thanks for playing along!! You may now go back to your regularly scheduled programs!



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220 Replies

Wow! great exercise. Thanks

0 Kudos

Great post! I will try it! 

0 Kudos

So I'm a new-be, and feeling a little anxious about my quit date (t-11). I am finding this site/group inspiring and I am feeling HOPE in this. I like this exercise. I am going to follow the recommended "plan" of well+preparing myself for quitting. This exercise is a great idea! Here is how I will plan to.use it. I am.going to purchase a "Word Find" book today. (Purposely not choosing a Crossword book because I often get stumped half way through, then boredom and defeat set in) I figure my craving buster will involve doing one COMPLETE word find puzzle....which I am guessing will take a minimum of 10-12, maybe even 15 minutes, giving me something to FOCUS on while I beat the craving. Thank you so much for this...and for being here, helping and contributing to others..... especially those who have licked this already. Happy New Year everyone of you reading, and working at this too!


Hi Linda.  Sounds like you're doing everything right in the prep department.  A strong preparation makes for a strong quit.  "Word Find" is a great idea.  (They also have them for free that you can do on the computer.)  If that stops working for you as a crave buster then just experiment and find something else.  Part of our homework is to come up with fun distractions.  Whatever you do, don't sit there doing nothing when a craving hits.  Get up and go for a walk around the house if nothing else.  Change of scenery has helped dispel many a smoking thought.  Happy New Year back atcha!


Happy new year too you too, and you can do it, Ive tried to quit many times, but this quit is going to be different, my quit for a gift i gave myself, quit at 50. I feel that is the best gift i could ever give myself ,i know how hard it is to quit, but there is alot of help on this site, and the stories are very helpful . good luck with you're quit, and if you need a buddy im . more than welcome to help out. Happy New Year. 



0 Kudos

It worked 

0 Kudos

very good post. and vert true,worked for me ,very helpfull information. Thank you.

0 Kudos

Only my second day craving are coming and going the exercise helpful looking forward to more tip's

0 Kudos

There are three things that will really get you through about nicotine addiction, read, read, read....your commitment, and the support from this site.  Please stay close, read blogs, comment, blog, listen to advice, read how others got through their first days.  This is a journey and it is filled with bumps and can take care of yourself, you can lean on the people here...remember, every single one of us has been where you are now.  The only way out is through, there are no short cuts.  One step at a time and baby steps count.  I used the mantra NOPE over and over and over again...sometimes quietly, sometimes out loud.  Not One Puff Ever.  I talked to anyone and everyone who would listen to how I had quit smoking and I asked for support and got it from some of the most unlikely sources.  I put my quit first, I took care of it like the fragile treasure that it was at the, it takes care of me.

Welcome to EX,


Thank you, Ellen. LOVE "only way out is through"! Two days FREE.....I has not technically reached my quit date. Just felt pressured enough to START the journey. To try.