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Read a member curated list of EX Community content over 10+ years


Craving Buster Technique

(Note:  this piece was first published in a blog by @aztec  back in 2012 called  Craving - EX Community    The original author april_ac was from another site.  Thank you Aztec for bringing it here!)


We interupt todays broadcast..for a test! (TRY THIS!)


Ok...especially you newbies...I want you to REALLY try this.


Don't give me that "AWWW Man!!" It's not a hard test!! More of an "exercise"!


I want you to stop what you are doing right now....and look around the room. Look at everything. Take your time. (Don't read any further until you do that.)



Now...I want you to look around the room AGAIN...and this time find all of the things that are RED. FOCUS on the things that are RED. REALLY look at them! (Don't read any further until you do that.)



This time....look around and find all of the things that are BLUE. Again...FOCUS on only the stuff that is Blue. REALLY look at them! (Don't read any further until you do that.)



Now....look around the room ONE more time. (Don't read any further until you do that.)



Did the things that were Red and BLUE stand out to you the most?? Probably! Know why? Because THAT is what you were FOCUSING on!


Do ya see where I'm going with this??


WHATEVER you focus on the what will be stronger...stand out more....become MORE dominate. JUST LIKE CRAVINGS!! If you FOCUS for too long on the GETS STRONGER.


So...SHIFT your focus AWAY from the craving!


What do you mean you can't do that....that it's too hard??? You just DID IT in that little mental exercise a minute ago!!! How much were you focusing on smoking while you were looking around the room...focusing on the Red and Blue stuff?? Probably not much...if at ALL!


It DOES work.


While I don't crave cigarettes anymore...I do have other areas of my life where I use that exercise. Sometimes it's needed to RE-focus on the GOOD things I have...when I'm feeling down. It gets my mind AWAY from the "pity party" state.


Make this work for you. It's your quit....It's your life.


And it's worth fighting for!


Thanks for playing along!! You may now go back to your regularly scheduled programs!



Etiquetas (2)
Etiquetas (3)
220 Respuestas


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.   Glad you found us.  There's great support here from fellow quitters.  It's not to late to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  Many have found success with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful.  In addiction to some aids, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit.  For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Congrats on day 3.  

  Stay busy and stay close.



Hi, Barbs et al

 Thanks for the welcome, and the great ideas (-:

Daily pledge does not seem to be for me, but I’ve been keeping a log and talking to myself. A lot.  Can’t afford it.  Everything in my house smells.  Grandchildren shouldn’t have to see this weakness.  Looking forward to changes in vital signs for the better.  Want to start walking.  Etc etc

Thanks for being here!   Still don’t know where to find a chatter or room or someplace to reach out for my worst times— after 11pm EST 




@Justdeda1 Do what works for you.  Our quits are all different.   We're volunteers here so we're on the site when we can be.   So reach out when you need help and we'll get back as soon as possible.  In the meantime, use you quit tools.  You can do this!

And please remember, you're not weak.  You have an addiction that takes work to overcome.  Be kind to yourself.   


0 Kudos

Hi, Barb.  Thanks again for the helpful vibes!   Had acupuncture seeds placed today, that I hope will help boost the patch and lozenge received from NYQUITS.  Day 4.  Sounds good.  If I get crazy again tonight, it’s good to know there might be a volunteer around to be supportive.  You get serious brownie points for giving your time to help others. 
Stay great!



@Justdeda1  Welcome to the wonderful wacky world of EX smokers!   Good going on Day 4!  "Hope I learn to get the most out of it! "  Snooping is encouraged and  is a great way to get the most out of the site.  There's a wealth of information here.  Just takes a little digging.  Best of EX is a great place to start.  Unfortunately there is no chat room here.  But this is the next best way to communicate with each other:  Putting up your own blog or replying on blogs. 

This is a list of helpful info I gathered up (maybe some of it will speak to you too):


Thanks very much!

0 Kudos

PS.  And if you want to start walking... we have an exercise group of sorts that can help motivate:


I LOVE this post! I'm on day 102 and still get some pretty good cravings on occasion. It took me a while to shake the last one and had to go get in the shower to concentrate on something else. I will definitely be using your technique next time. Thanks for sharing!!


@pmarlene Congrats on 100 days.  That's a fabulous achievement. Do something to reward your success.  You deserve.



Love it!