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What to do with my hands

As I am nearing my quit date I have seen many things that were beautiful and always wondered how to make them so one day being in a Dollar Tree there were some ladies talking about the crafts that they make and I commented I wished I had that talent.  One of the ladies advised me to go to youtube and look up dollar tree crafts and wow I was amazed. I purchased alot of stuff to start and well never did and now that I am preparing for my quit date I have learned that I am going to like this and I also realized that while working on my crafts I dont even think about wanting a cigarette so this will help with keeping my hands busy during my quit.

10 Replies

You have time to prepare for your quit date, so this is great.  I would keep the projects simple.  I crotchet and had this grand idea of making a quit project, but I learned early I didn't have the focus or patience to do something difficult.  Of course, this is my brain I am speaking of.  Thanks for the info. about Dollar Tree crafts.

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Community Manager

@Lilirix Keeping your hands busy seems like a great strategy as part of your quitting, and a hobby that may extend far past these early tough days. Can't wait to see what you create! 

I'm going to look these YouTube videos up, too. My kids and I love crafting with Dollar Tree finds!

- Megan, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

@Lilirix It's a great plan to keep your hands (and mind) busy when quitting.  There are lot of options.  For example, I chewed on straws (some pretend to smoke them) and played video games.  

Happy to see you're continuing to prepare for your quit.






I've gotten tons of ideas for crafting from he Michael's app. There's a tab for "projects" and then you choose what you're looking for and much like a nice recipe app, you can add everything you might need to your cart. I then print off the list and check out dollar stores & thrifts.  I had no idea how easy crafting was. It's so much fun, I don't even think about smokes!


What kind of crafts ? I crochet and YouTube Gad many tutorials it really does help.

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I just do all different crafts I just watch the videos and when I see something I like I go for it and go to dollar tree to get the stuff I need them come home and work on it and my boyfriend helps me out too so its kinda the bonding time I guess you could say

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When I figure out how to post pictures I will post some of the items that I have made thus far.

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Community Manager
Community Manager


Hi @Lilirix ! Posting pictures is pretty easy. Here's a quick video tutorial I recorded for you.




EX Community Admin Team
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that is great!! When is your quit date? Mine is tomorrow, 8/28.

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