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The beginning

Hi All,
I decided to start this group for those that are casual crafters or for those wanting to find something to do with their hands once they begin the separation process. I cannot teach anyone how to knit, crochet or cross stitch. I am a novice and picked all these up to help me during the quitting process.

I plan on crocheting a quit smoking blanket once my sister teaches me how to do it. I also want to learn to make jewelry as a quit smoking reward. If there are any one of y'all that do crafts I would love to see your work and share in any knowledge that you might have.

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12 Replies

I plan on knitting more
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Glad to have you! I have been trying to knit washrags to start off. It has been years since I have knitted and never got further than a scarf. My sister just taught me to Crochet and that is not going well. LOL! I can get about 3 rows done and that is it.
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if we lived closer, I'd be happy to teach you hands on... I can try online whats the problem your having?
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I am not very good at crafts. I play around off and on but that is about it. My goal is to make some type of lap blanket that has to do with my stopping smoking. I'll call it my Quit Blanket. I also want to play around with jewlery making and I have a cross stitch that I have been working on forever. If I can find batteries for my camera I will post some pics of what I am working on.
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Ok, an easy way to make a blanket could also be from old t-shirts they don't fit but hate to part with, some materials that are important to you, sweatshirts, kids cloths, etc. (things that have more meaning for you)
and simply hand stitch or machine sew just basic straight lines, very simple to do really. Anyone can accomplish this project and be surprised at what you'd normally get rid of that you can use. you sew them together in whatever order you want add to either size wherever to get the shape and size you want as you go along...

I write/sell my own patterns. I knit, sew, crochet, needlepoint, make soap/toiletry items, quilt, teaching my kids to do latch hooks, spin & weave, bake, decorate cakes, who knows what else.. My mother was a seamstress and arts & crafts teacher
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I don't have a sewing machine. My sister made the really pretty lap blanket by doing crochet. Right now I am trying to get the basic chain stitch down. I have gotten the knit stitch down but not pearl yet. Cross stitch I am so-so at. I get in moods and pull stuff out to work on, then I put it up for a while.

We have a friend that is a seamstress. She knows how to do all of the stuff you listed also. Right now, with summer weddings she is swamped with wedding dress orders. Do you have a web site for your patterns?
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I am very excited. I got a square done for the blanket and another square done that I turned into a scrubby for the kitchen. Crocheting is much faster than knitting and easier to close off! I have only managed to get single crochet down but that is okay. I have completed more crocheting than I have knitting. LOL!

Now I have something that I can do with my hands that is easy and does not involve eating when I start the separation part.
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i have been crocheting
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My 'Quit attempt 2001',, this was crochet'd,,, 🙂
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