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Lighted-hearted poetry to take your mind off 'things'

I have the 'Storm' arriving soon, so I will be absent from Ex probably till next week.  I wrote these today. Its my relaxing hobby when I dont feel like doing anything else...cept chill.

Have a awesome rest of the week, N.O.P.E. and see ya all next week!( Wish me luck with the 'storm', lol)

Big Mouth 

I have a big mouth 

And if you peer inside

You can see my whole foot

If I open up wide

It’s got me in trouble

A time or two 

Then I have to figure out

What I must do

If your mouth is big

I’m warning you now

Keep your feet away from your mouth




I am all beside myself

Theres no one here but me

I bored to death

And oh my breath 

Will be the end of me

I need to bathe

But I’m to tired

I can’t even brush my hair

My older sister

Went outside

But I can’t 

And it’s not fair

I cannot eat

My tummy hurts 

My head is throbbing to

My Mother said the Doctor said 

I must have some goofy type of flu

So inside I stay

While they all play outside

Where I want to be

Another week the Doctor said..

Stay in and watch TV.


Mrs. Beetle

Mrs. Beetle was a bug

She had a black shell hide

Her husband was a slimy slug

With a slippery coat of pride

Together they, the garden shared

They crawled about all day

Fancying all the succulent plants 

and devoured them each day

Mrs. Beetle announced one day

A baby was coming soon

She was concerned

There home was to small

Perhaps they need more room

Mr. Beetle  understood

And got busy as a bee

He found a shell

That was big as well

And would accommodate

 all three

Mrs. Beetle was very happy

When she saw the home that Mr. Beetle found

Together they all live happily

In their new shell 

On the ground

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11 Replies

These are delightful, Missy. Love you and best of luck with the "Storm."



Great work, Missy.  I would love to share the Alone poem on FB.  I won't do it unless you give me permission, and I will give you attribution if you allow me to post it.

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