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Getting crafty . How artsy or crafty are you ?

Quitting smoking has opened up some fun opportunities. First I learned guitar , began singing somewhere other than my kitchen , wrote some sad songs , I've dabbled in water color, in acrylic painting , sketching , decoupage , painting stones , poetry and creative writing is a course I'd love to take . Some I have been inspired by Ex members and the talents and gifts in this group . So many on line crafts to try , perfect for the craving quitter to distract themselves . Things that involves stillness are hard for me , can't for the life of me crochet but like cross stitch as long as I don't have to count lol , but point is I'm learning even though not good at any of it , lol it's been great fun . 

At my age I'd still love to get back into a seniors centre and participate in musicals plays or monologues .m

Any one else want to share ? How crafty or artsy are you or not and want to learn something new ? I'd love for you to share . 

3 Replies

Hi I'm Margie,

I have been sewing & been quilting now about 5 years. Anything I have gifted I always put the disclaimer " If you think there are is uniqueness. LOL Not great at it but love making small blankets & crafts as gifts & for charity.

I also re- taught myself to crochet, gotta love you tube.


I picked up playing the harmonica  I'll never be on stage but I can play a few songs people can sing along to.  Great for playing around and passing the time with Plus it has helped with my lungs 


Hi @MargieV  . Nice . My mom used to do quilting . I never learned . I guess I was a bit of a tom boy , loved being out in the yard , on the field , in the garden . I regret now not learning crocheting , quilting , knitting and have  tried but my fingers just don't have the knack and zero patience l, I bet everyone just loves what you do mistakes or not it is made with love .

@Cousin-Itt you must get on stage now , join local jams . It's not about perfection just a lot of fun . I'm not good at singing either but they tolerate it lol and I enjoy it .