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Trish1967's Status Update on 02/04/2020

Hello. My name is trish. I’m 53 and I’m going to attempt to stop smoking after 30 years.. very nervous about this. 
8 Replies

Hi Trish. Welcome to Ex. Nervous is normal, but you can do this. Stick around Ex--read, learn, blog comment. Make a plan that you can refer to--and of course quitting is done one day at a time. Congratulations on your decision. 🙂
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It’s normal to feel nervous, anxious, afraid, and uncertain. None of those things spells failure. What is your plan and why do you want to quit? Inquiring minds want to know and help!
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Well i have had enough being chained to this addiction.. i have 3 new grand babies and i want to live and watch them grow up. I want to be healthy enough to help my kids do anything they need oh and i want to smell good again

My plan is go get the patches and begin this difficult time..

Trish - you are already ahead of the game because you know WHY you want it, and you have a PLAN for how to get there, and you EXPECT that it may be difficult. And, smelling good again and being able to smell good again (so you can smell those babies' bottoms) are other good reasons for breaking the chain. YOU HAVE DEFINITELY GOT THIS!!! And, we will have your back because we all know what this is all about. You've come to the right place. might be a helpful read if you haven't seen it yet.
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Welocime and CONGRATS and good choice choosing life and not death

Welcome to the community you've made the best decision that you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definetly the best gift that you'll ever give yourself which is the gift of LIFE, stay close because we're all here to help you in any way we can you can do this quit believe it deep breaths and pick your quit date and when your day rolls around you'll be able to say at the end of the day YAY for Day WON with many more to come. Trish1967
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Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  As you prepare for your quit date, educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   Knowledge and preparation made all the difference for me this time.  I smoked for 50 years and I am  about to celebrate 2 years.  Nervous is normal.  Smoking is a part of everything we do.  If you approach it one day at a time, it will help to elevate any fears.  You can do it!   We're here for you.  Just reach out.