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Give and get support around quitting


Quit December 3. Feelings positive and doing okay with the nicotine deprivation but am struggling with the habit and ritual. Keep thinking obsessing about lighting up and seeing my little pals.

When do I feel good about doing this. So far it just sucks.

12 Replies

Intellect helps in this quitting process, but it's our emotional connection to smoking that swamps us. Intellect is only useful if we can take that necessary step back from the emotional moment.  Emotionally we're like 5 year olds screaming for the toy or the piece of candy.  (which you obviously recognize) We have to become the parent of ourselves in this journey.  And we have to be that parent every single day.  

Where the intellect helps is when we recognize that being the parent is an incredible act of self love.  We deny the child because we know it's best for them.  Doesn't help the child within, however, who will still scream.

It's too much, too BIG to think in terms of forever when quitting.  Marciem really stated that beautifully above.

You have six days under your smoke-free belt.  Of course you're struggling with the habit and the ritual.  Here's a little play I wrote about the back-and-forth dialogue that many of us go through.  At least, it's one I went through.  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2016/09/06/a-quit-dialogue-in-iv-acts?sr=search&searchId=2c08c5ec-e7b4-49ba-bac7-...‌  It's a long read, but so is this journey.  The wonderful part about this journey is that it changes as we go along.  Our confidence grows as does our ability to fend off the cravings.  

When will you feel good about doing this?  You will have the answer to that question when you get there.  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2015/02/23/expectations-timelines-and-the-reality-you-create   Are you willing to hang in until you do?  That's what it takes.  

Keep a sense of humor about you, it will help - a LOT!

Image result for grinning animals


     Those little pals talking to you are the addiction. Funny thing is they seem like friends.


     You decided to quit. Did so and lo and behold smoking becomes so special, so must have, so good. Yep, the voice of addiction has to be faced down each time in order to achieve your goal of quitting. 

     I thought I loved smoking too. Now, 43,000 cigarettes not smoked, 100,000s of puffs not taken, 15,000 saved by not smoking---I feel real happy about quitting. A few years ago just before I quit, you'd think I was about to embark on mission impossible. I smoked every 20 minutes to an hour, tapered early evenings, woke during most  nights to have a cigarette or two. I was hooked, nothing less. You will unlearn all of this every time you stand up to the delusion that smoking is good for you (if we don't believe that it is good for us physically, we do often believe that is good for our emotions, life). 

    Keep up the smobriety one day at a time.