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Quit in Danger

I fear my quit is in danger. My boyfriend and I broke up. Although I know it's for the best and I've known for awhile we weren't right for each other,  I am still going to miss the relationship. I will miss the companionship and someone to do thing with. I practically lived there.  I only came home to work.  I was a mother to his little boy who I would give my life for. I loved him as my own. Now he has lost 2 mothers in his short little life. I am going to miss him horribly.  I'm going over there to collect my things tomorrow. Smoking has crossed my mind a bazillion times. I've lost 17 pounds in a week because I can't eat.  Please help me.

Broken-hearted #782 DOF

96 Replies

Thank you Mortalzeus. The sad thing is, I can't even make it down the aisle once!!! Lol


You still have your sense of humor and that is a good thing to hold onto no matter how hard things get ! 


How well we all know this feeling.......and it is a DANGEROUS one!!! So....stay close to the site and read and blog and read and blog. DO NOT SMOKE. Deep down---you know smoking will not make you feel any better.....and will probably make you feel worse!!! Take it one second at a time and know that things really will work out.......and without smoking.

Stay strong

Thank you Sootie I have to go to the store and I'm a little nervous to go. 

0 Kudos

You can go to the store and get what you need while telling yourself that you are an Ex Smoker and that you will not return to that horrid addiction because you don't do that anymore and please eat a little something ok Xo! kristen-9.7.15


Don't let the thought of smoking comfort you.  it's a tricky thing that it does within our brains to fool us into believing that it will save us and be with us forever.  Please read this blog that I wrote about my daughter and our break-up.  I think it will resonate with you considering you lost a 2 year quit over similar circumstances /blogs/crazymama_Lori-blog/2016/10/31/once-upon-a-time 

Thanks for the link crazymama_Lori. I will try.

0 Kudos

 "I have to go to the store and I'm a little nervous to go."  No reason to be IF you've made up your mind before going not to buy a pack while there.  Replay the Relapse

You have a two year milestone coming up.  It's a lot more fun than a Day One.  

Will smoking comfort you, Kristen?  Do want to walk down the imaginary aisle with IT and stay married to IT for the next X number of years?  Does a cigarette in hand make you feel more loved?  If course not.    You know the truth of it, you said it:   "I know it's for the best and I've known for awhile we weren't right for each other"  Dwell on that thought rather than the I'm going to be so lonely, etc."  If it's 'for the best,' and you aren't 'right for each other,' then it's good to move forward and onto that which IS the best, and for which you ARE right for each other.  (Of course if your statement was just a way to 'get through the hard time' then that's another matter.  But I'm assuming that's not the case.)   Sometimes we're more in love with the "idea" of a relationship than the actuality of it.  It still hurts to lose it, I know.

Lessons to be learned through this experience, perhaps.  Not bad ones, but good ones.  I'm glad at least that you'll get to see the boy.  It's important for both of you.  And it's gonna be hard.  Sending strength, courage and love.  

As far as smoking - remember and repeat after me:  "I DON'T DO THAT ANY MORE!"


What?  Didn't quite hear you?



Where are you? I'll have Superman fly Sewnya-Lips-Shut over there right away and then you'll have to smoke through your nose or your years.