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Give and get support around quitting


Never give up, keep pushing forward❤️

I’m very proud to say that yesterday was my official quit date. I’ve said over & over again for a little over 6 years now that I wanted to quit smoking. In June of this year it would’ve made 16 years that I’ve been smoking. Finally on 1/3/2021 I actually committed to my goal and I’m sticking to it. What pushed me to actually quit for real this time was being out of cigarettes and the money I did have was needed for bills. Normally that’s not like me at all, if I was out of cigarettes I’d either spend the money I needed for bills and just be short until I can pay the rest or scram through the house or my car like a crackhead looking for change to either buy cigarettes or get a black & mild. Yesterday was different. I had said once again my New Years resolution was to quit smoking. I was tired of letting cigarettes control my life & take over me. I finally decided to take back control of my life. I will no longer be a victim to nicotine. Not to mention all the money that was being spent on buying cigarettes. I’d say my husband & I spent roughly about $300 each month buying cigarettes. I never thought I’d be able to quit smoking, my addiction was so strong I didn’t know if I’d be able to live without cigarettes. Literally anytime I’d get stressed out, feel my anxiety starting to get bad, get upset or mad, when I’d go into a rage, even when I was bored my go to was a cigarette. Just the thought of putting a cigarette in between my lips & lighting it up taking that first initial puff seemed to relieve anything and everything that was on my mind or whatever I was going through that cigarette was all that was on my mind. Even if nothing was on my mind smoking that cigarette made time pass by & just made me feel relaxed. Without a cigarette in my mind I thought I just wouldn’t be able to cope, I kept thinking in my mind if I don’t have a cigarette, how am I supposed to get through the day when my emotions started going crazy on me? If the number one thing in my mind was that cigarettes calmed me down and kept my nerves under control. I guess that’s why it took me so long to finally get the courage to quit. My best advice to anybody trying to quit, make sure you’re ready. I know it says on pretty much any blog/webpage/book/etc to prep yourself to quit. Set a date as your quit date, they say preferably 2 weeks from the day you’re wanting to quit & work your way towards being smoke free. I personally didn’t do that, but if you are trying to quit and need the time to prep yourself, do it. When you get cravings to smoke, try to hold off for as long as you can. Remind yourself over & over again why you want to quit, write all of your reasons down, post it somewhere you can always see it, write notes of inspiration to yourself, plant it firmly in your mind that you’re going to live smoke free, & always get as much support & encouragement from people as you can. It’s possible to do it alone, but with a great support group, people who have been through the same struggles as you have & know just how hard it is, can motivate you to be committed and it will help you stay more encouraged and committed to quitting then trying to do it alone. A good support system is key. Also, another thing to keep in mind while you’re trying to quit and once you’ve made the decision weather it be your first day or you recently just quit, stay away from your friends and family who do smoke, try to avoid anywhere that reminds you of smoking, throw away anything you have that reminds you of smoking. Since yesterday was my quit day, I deep cleaned my house to get the smell of cigarettes out of my house and threw away everything in my house that was associated with smoking. Now I don’t have to steadily be reminded about smoking because there’s nothing in my house to remind me of it, and my house smells fresh, I’ve washed pretty much everything in my house to make sure I got the smell out & mopped my floors multiple different times. My beautiful sweet daughters mean everything in this world to me, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them! As a parent, I decided for the health & future of my children cigarettes wouldn’t be my priority anymore! I want better for my children. My husband & I are also trying for another baby. The past 2 months we’ve conceived but it has turned into a chemical pregnancy where we lost the baby & I don’t know for certain but in my heart I believe it was because of smoking. Especially since I was smoking between 1-2 full packs by myself in one day. I witnessed multiple times family members struggling with serious health issues due to smoking and some even passed away. My mother was just recently diagnosed with COPD and a few other health issues all related to smoking. I don’t want that for myself & especially not for my children! They deserve better! I wish nothing but the best for my babies now, as they grow up & once they get my age & older. I hope they never pick up on the habit of smoking, hopefully now that I’m a non-smoker and they won’t be exposed to cigarettes at home from their mommy & daddy ( My husband is quitting with me as well so that right there makes it easier on me since I’m not alone quitting one of the hardest habits to kick) , they’ll never want to pick up a cigarette & take that 1st hit. That’s all it takes, just one cigarette & you can be hooked, half of the time for the rest of your life. I’m thankful I haven’t got any serious health issues from smoking as long as I did. My chest does hurt every now & then and if I go for a walk I do get shortness of breathe & I can’t run for the life of me, if I even tried my chest would get super tight feeling like I’m about to pass out and it’d take a good while just for me to catch my breath. I may be very early on in this new journey of my life, but I’ve got full determination, motivation, a strong mindset, encouragement, and faith in myself as well as a strong support system by my side every step of the way. I know I can keep my goal, I have no doubt in my heart. I’m ready to get back healthy, it will take time for my body to heal, slowly but surly I will start to feel better and get back to old activities I used to do before I smoked. No matter what obstacles life throws at you, you’re strong enough to overcome them. Keep pushing forward no matter how hard things get. The outcome is worth every second of the ups and downs you will go through. Just think of it as being a bump in the road and this too shall pass. You’re mind is a very powerful thing, you just have to stay positive no matter what. Nicotine is very addictive making it seem as if you need it, but I personally can tell you from my own experience that you don’t! I’m using the patch along with the nicotine gum/lozenge (maybe 2-3 times a day) to help me but if you can do it cold turkey I give props to you! For me though, the patch is working wonders for me! Smoking a cigarette hasn’t even crossed my mind. I’m actually surprised & super proud of myself today as it’s been a very long stressful day. & as I’ve mentioned, stress is my #1 trigger to smoke a cigarette. I’ve had 2 small cravings today, but I didn’t let cigarettes get the best of me this time. While sitting in the emergency room with my family and my in laws, I fought through those cravings! I said to myself both times, I’m quitting for my children’s health as well as mine and I will not let nicotine win. Not this time! Other than those 2 small cravings with everything that’s going on and all the stress I’m dealing with, I stayed strong & remembered my goal. That right there took a lot. If I can do it, I promise you that you can too! You just have to put your mind to it. I know this post is a bit long, so if you’ve read through my whole post thank you! I just wanted to share my own personal story with everybody to let y’all know you’re not alone in this journey and with god all things are possible. Stay strong & don’t give up!

14 Replies

You are on a roll.  Looks like you have things covered.  Stay Close. Good job on not smoking.  Keep up the good work.  You can do it. 


Your post was perfect length not long at all.  

Congrats on your quit   I'm sure your girls are very happy.  You're so right your mind is a very powerful tool to use for commitment to N.O.P.E.   Makes no difference what you use to quit it's all about the outcome   


CONGRATULATIONS! Great job, you are off to a seriously good start!

i am happy for you, this is a journey worth taking.



Good job on the quit...hang in there and keep close to us...Happy Tuesday Colleen 764 DOF 


Once you understand that each cigarette you smoke sets up the stress of needing the next and the next, you are well on your way to freedom!

Congrats on FOUR days!!



Thank you so much! Once I've got my mind set on something, nothing can come in the way of my goal.

0 Kudos

I just felt as if I was rambling on, I seem to do that quite a bit while I'm on my medicine. I'll talk anybody's ear off if they let me. This is a huge step for me though and I'm proud of myself for sticking to it! Nothing or nobody will get in the way of my commitment, I'm determined for the sake of my girls, their health and my own health. So I keep that on my mind 24/7 as a reminder why I will never smoke another cigarette again. The first 2 days were a little stressful for me, but today has been much better! I don't see myself slipping or giving up because I haven't had any urges or cravings at all, I feel as if I've never smoked before. 

0 Kudos

Thank you so much! Quitting is different for everybody and I thought it would be very hard for me. Turns out to be going super easy for me. The 1st two days were a bit stressful for me, but today I'm not having any trouble at all. I honestly feel as if I've never smoked a day in my life, I haven't had any urges or cravings and I haven't even though about smoking. While I was with my in-laws today a few of them smoke and seeing them smoke didn't even affect me. Normally I'd be asking for a cigarette or to take a hit from theirs but I didn't even think twice about it. I sat there talking to them, I did keep a bit of distance away from them while they was smoking so I didn't get any kind of second hand smoke, and they were all proud of me for sticking to my goal and staying smoke free.


Thank you so much, I'm doing great so far. I thought this would be a lot harder but its going very smooth for me.