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Give and get support around quitting


Hang on tight to your quit!

With the right mindset we can do just about anything we put our minds to including quitting smoking and Remaining Quit  I remember how difficult it is in the early days and wks but I got through it and so will anyone and everyone that believes in themselves and are willing, determined and totally committed to succeed then you can and will be successful but you must stick with your quit with No If Ands Or Buts because there's Not One EXcuse that's good enough to throw away a perfectly beautiful quit because life's going to happen whether you smoke or not so chin up and grab on tight and don't let go until you come out the other side smiling because there's definitely life after cigarettes and it's yours for the taking so hang tough and keep plowing forward because each day you get through is another day WON! N.O.P.E  - Not One Puff Ever - works when applied on a daily basis because S.I.N.A.O  - Smoking Is Not An Option,  if you've been quit awhile remember this N. E. F.  - Never Ever Forget  - the early days and wks of quitting because wouldn't it totally Suck Big Time to have to go back to Day One!!!! So taking EXtra good care of yourself with H. A. L. T.  - Hunger, Anger, Lonely, Tired because anyone of these can really throw havoc into your quit but every withdrawal, craving and mood swing is worth it all to be FREE!!!! Quitting smoking is definitely difficult but if absolutely Doable and anything in this life worth having takes time and effort and quitting smoking should be at the top of the list of things to do for your health, your family and even your wallet but mostly because your life is literally depending on it! 


7 Replies

I'll add my favorite-say right out loud (if you in a place where nobody thinks you are crazy for talking to yourself) "I don't do that anymore". Even if you silently repeat that in your mind, your brain will believe you. After awhile, when you get your sense of smell back and you find yourself interacting with someone who has obviously been smoking indoors, you can silently add the phrase "I don't smell like that anymore" and smile.


Thanks Karen, I used that one quite often myself and it definitely works at least it did for many of us Exers, I'd give my head several shakes and say right out loud that I don't do that anymore and continue on with whatever I was doing, thanks again NewMe 

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If WE don't hang on to our quits...well, we know what happens.  I like "I don't do that anymore" but my absolute favorite was NOPE and I think that OldBones-Larry‌, "One step and then another will get you to where you want to be." and JonesCarpeDiem‌'s "Just keep them away from your face."  are also amazingly inspiring and easy to pull up when needed.


I also like JonesCarpeDiem‌'s "your quit is yours until you choose to throw it away."  Not exactly a mantra, but a good reminder that it is ALL up to you.  Nobody can make you smoke but you!



Good Afternoon Marilyn!!  So great talking with you today!!  Tonight I will have a day Won.  Finally able to focus on my quit here!!  Life is good!!  If I can fight for Brian's life, I can also fight for my own!

Thank you my friend for always supporting me!

Love Ya,



I really enjoyed talking to you too Christine you brightened up my afternoon and yay for you and your Day WON this evening, you can and will fight for your life by continuing to stack up each and every Day WON for you and for Brian because you too deserve some happiness together xo huge cyber hug from me to you Christine13 hopefully we'll talk again soon.

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Hi there Marilyn! You bring so much to the site - thank you!! Happy almost Friday!