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Write your Goodbye Letter to _________.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vaping is a common theme here on EX. You can read other's letters for inspiration or read a blog from Dr. Hays on how to go about it.

If you haven't written your own and you're starting the quit process, you should probably think about making your own. But you probably want to first read others' letters before you write your own.

Ready to get started? you'll need to be a member of the community so be sure you login and then you can click the link to start your own Goodbye Letter .  Be sure you tag the post with "Goodbye Letter" so yours get added to the list

Did you write your letter from a template? If you feel you have a particularly compelling one, share a link to it below in the comments, or share your actual goodbye letter here on EX with a link in the comments.

While you're at it, you'll probably also want to write a letter to loved ones as well to ensure you get support and understanding at home while you go through your quit journey to support a successful quit.

EX Community Admin Team
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86 Replies

  • I have not smoked a cigarette since November 1 , 2023 but picked up a vape and thought it would be easy to quit but it’s now harder 
  • I am ready to be nicotine free , I almost took my own life in June 2023 and I’m so great full that I’m still here 
  • I can do this 
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@InnerGlow Thanks for reaching out,  I'm sorry to hear about the other crisis in your life, but quitting smoking can be the best thing you do for your physical and mental health. 

It's not uncommon for people to switch to vaping to quit smoking,  It really is just a different addiction to nicotine,  

I agree that  you can do this. For many of us that meant having a quit plan and learning about nicotine addiction.  This link can get you started on the right path to become and ex.

And the quitters on the site are here for you every step of the way.  We want you to be successful, so reach out anytime you want to share your journey and receive some amazing support. That support was instrumental in my quit after 50 years of smoking. 

I'm so glad you found us. .  Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Please consider creating your own post at My Journal/Blog on the home page to introduce yourself to the community and have the support that is so important.

Stay busy and stay close.



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goodbye to the worst thing that ever happened to me, although you was there for the hard times and the abuse and neglect as a child. You then came back to take over my life now it’s time to finally say goodbye for life

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@messa21 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your upcoming quit.   Spend lots of time on the site reading material for some great advice, information and support.

Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at time.

Consider creating your own post at My Journal/Blog on the home page to introduce yourself to the community.

Stay busy and stay close


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We've had our ups and downs since I started with you when I was 16. Dumbest decision of my life. I even broke up with you for a good 5 years but you convinced me to come back after a tough time in my life....and you didn't help like you said you would. You make me feel good for about 3 seconds but after that it's just me chasing that same feeling. I'm no longer going to chase that feeling. I'm leaving you as part of my past. This is the beginning of the story of how I overcame the most difficult addiction I've ever faced. I'm done with you. Good bye

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@kylem1993 Welcome.  Glad you found us.  Having a quit plan and knowledge about nicotine addiction will help you to be successful.

Please consider creating your own post at My Journal/Blog on the home page to introduce your self to the community and receive some well deserved support.

Hope you'll join many of us on the Daily Pledge

Stay busy and stay close.


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  • I hate smoking. Nobody I know smokes. It's going to ruin my health. I 'm not a heavy smoker I know I could live without it it's just a daily timed habit. It disgusts me

Dear Vapes,

It's been about a year now since I said goodbye to your friend, Cigs. That was a difficult step and you were there for me as I solidified my decision.

At first, we were great. You were there anytime I thought of Cigs. You added so much variety to my days and I'd look forward to exploring flavors and brands with you. However it has been a year- and I'm starting to feel our relationship is taking a turn for the worst.

Much like my relationship with Cigs, you have become a replacement for self-regulation. I find myself anxious when you aren't here. You are the first and last thing I think of each day. And I've realized that you, like my other ex vices are just another distraction, another addiction and though it pains me to say this- I think I'm ready to end things.

I want to see what my life will look like with little to no dependencies. I want to feel free of yet another device glued to my hand. I worry that you may hurt me or make me unwell in the future and I have enough health issues. And maybe most of all, I regret the money that I spent on you.

I don't regret, however, the time we shared. You were helpful to me and my life is infinitely better having left Cigs, but i still don't believe we are compatible.



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@wanting2quit Welcome to the Ex and congrats on you upcoming quit.  Great good-bye letter to get you started on your journey. 

Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  Many have found success with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful.  In addition to some aids, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit.  For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great way to get you started on the right track.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Join many  of us on the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Look forward to celebrating in the 1st. 

Stay busy and stay close.





Please consider creating your own post a My Journal/Blog on the home page to introduce yourself to the community and  receive lots of support from fellow quitters.


"Goodbye letter" 

Yesterday you  were  my friend. Today  your  nothing more  than an expensive smelly habit. As the prices  continue  to rise and my  age  keeps getting  bigger. I'm left with the  question " why  are you still in  my life?" You've  given  me  some many great  times  but the time has come. I'm  kicking  you  to the curb. No more  expensive trips to  the gas station. No  more  smelly clothes.  No more  missing  parts  to  the  movies, concerts or shows. I'm  taking back my  life  and I'm saying goodbye to  you.

Hello freedom, no more smelling like am  ashtray.  To better health  and to a longer  healthier life.