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Connect with others living with health conditions


New to copd

Last week I was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia - the dr mentioned that she thinks I have copd.  I’m overwhelmed - does that mean I’m going to die? How much time do I have ? Do stem cell work ? Do inhalers help w symptoms or does it stop or slow progress of disease.? What about cardio ? Will that stop it ? I have not had a follow up w de - she is not available till February ? I’m so anxious idk what to do !

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Hope you're feeling better.


I am feeling much better thank you ! I had the pulmonary testing and the dr said I have emphesyma at lung function is at 70%. I’m not sure how bad 70 % is ? Do you know ? 


I was also diagnosed with COPD. I don't get winded when climbing stairs, but get very winded when I eat too much. I wasn't convinced I had it either. The doctor did prescribe Albuterol which is an inhailer. I have used it, but usually if I am having a bronchitis episode after a bad cold. It does help open up your broncial passages. I'm not saying the doctors opinion is wrong because they can verify it with exrays, but don't take it lightly. If caught early, I believe that if you quit smoking, eat healthy, and exercise you can minimize the affects of COPD. 


Lindarivera  I am sorry.   I have moderate COPD.   My Lungs  feel  a lot better usually after I don't smoke.

  Been sick for almost 2 months with something, part of smoking probably.  I did quit again on 1/15/19  Plan on keeping it that way.  However my lungs are not jumping back quite as quickly this time.  I will be patient, continue to eat right, and  do what I need to do and can do. 

You can slow it way down.  First things first stop smoking, which you have!~!  Kudos!


What is moderate copd ? What percentage ? I know they say don’t look at stages or percentages but as a person that likes facts and figures - I can make sense of that ! And understanding gives me comfort

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Lindarivera‌  and kanndak  My pulmonologist categorizes my COPD as moderate...and I had to have both upper lobes of my lungs surgically removed in November of 2015.  I had pulmonary function tests that showed my lungs were seriously impaired.  I had x rays and then a low dose CT Scan which showed how severe the upper lobe damage was so they sent me for a VQ Scan and that showed that I could benefit from the lung reduction surgery.  It was not fun, it was the most painful thing I have ever been through but it did improve my ability to breathe.  I was told the best outcome would be 3-5 years of improved quality of life.  I has been over 3 years, I get short of breath with exertion, sometimes that is pretty minimal exertion but I also have scoliosis and it is minimizing the space I have for a lung on one side.  I fatigue easily and that is often as aggravating as the shortness of breath.  There is NO CURE for COPD.  It is progressive but you can SLOW the progress by not smoking and by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.  I use a stationary bike and do ten miles a day, five days a week.  I also lift small free weights to strengthen my upper body.  I am on oxygen at night but not during the day.  Read what JonesCarpeDiem‌ has shared and please go to the group COPD Thomas3.20.2010‌ has done extensive research that he generously shares with us.  

Stay close to the site for support and DON'T SMOKE, avoid allergens, avoid areas where others are smoking...take care of yourself.


First, I'm very sorry that you have Stage II COPD! 

You may feel pretty good most of the time unless you try running and climbing too many stairs or hurry too much, for example, cleaning house or moving. 

Yet now is the time to be careful about building yourself up. Weightlifting is very important as is treadmill. Focus on making your quads as strong as you can. Also I recommend yoga.

Nutrition is very important - only lean meats, fresh fruit and vegetables in many colors, avoid carbs, look for non-meat proteins. 

Take your meds regularly as prescribed. If you have doubts ask your medical team a bazillion questions.

Don't Smoke, don't be anywhere around smoke!That included fireplaces, barbeques, incense and just about anything that you light up like fireworks. Also, stay away from vaping and vapers. Very dangerous!

Stem cell ads are like 

In other words, pure illusion!

Read the articles - too many to name but dig into them. Each was carefully researched!