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Sweat or no sweat

Sweat or no sweat , spring is coming  . 

If you've fallen off the bandwagon getting the goal for excersise a permanent life style change happenin , no sweat , spring is coming . It's a second chance at making the New Years resolution happen permanently . Who says New Years has to start Jan 1 lol . 

For me it started yesterday that I decided enough is enough and like smoking I am just taking one day at a time and doing it .  . I'm not looking at the future as much as I am looking forward to today . It's all I got and it's all the work that is required for today to get the job done. 

Weigh scales are not required . Just persistence ,perseverance  commitment and patience and gratitude "  Lets do this in a healthy way"  is my motto . 

Like quitting smoking I had a relapse . Like smoking  I let circumstances , triggers and the things that I had no control over take control . It's a negative response .  I m taking my power back and turning negative into positive . I have to do it for me, just like I had to quit smoking for me . 

I'm starting at the basics , back to just achieving small goals of time instead of fearing that forever word and facing the denial head on . I won't be or looking for excuses not to excersise, or blaming my circumstances on those circumstances or others . My quit is dependant on my attitude being positive

 No slips from this day forward ,"  I'm not going that way " another valuable slogan I will use to excersise .  Not doing leads to not doing and not doing again and that leads to relapse . My new comfortable will be "doing what I think I can't do "and the goal is just to " go to bed a winner " . 

Sweat or no sweat , I'm in it to win it .  Let joy follow as each day passes . I can do it , you can do it , we can do it .

                       ☀️One day at a time ☀️                          

Please join in if you want to , I'm open to that . We can inspire each other with quit slogans and memes , little successes and big successes , success stories and more positivity to make it happen ! No negative comments allowed even if you couldn't do it today . Negative never produces good results .   " Make a commitment to excersize as I have today and use the quit slogans you are using to quit smoking or add ones specifically for excersising .Share what you use . We are not maybe body builders or triathletes just Ex smokers who want a better lifestyle moving forward . Who knows maybe some of you are body builders and triathletes present or Ex and if not I always say it's never too late 🙂

Please check with your doctor . Let them know what you are doing . It's always good to have them on board . They know your medical history . 


SNS ( sweat , no sweat ) day 2

Have a good day moving forward everyone . 





19 Replies

I absolutely love this post 😁👍🤗 I need to get moving just a little more each day and with Spring just around the corner that'll help me alot BUT in the meantime I'll use my stepper or go outside and walk around the yard anything that gets me moving! 👍e5e7479033a5f1d133c44f900ffa0f90.jpg




Sorry, couldn't help myself 😄

It's going to be warm and sunny here today so I get to go outside! I love the idea of treating exercise like your quit. One day at a time and no excuses! Thanks for starting this thread Maki ❤️


@RainbowHeart  laughing til crying.jpg GOOD ONE, LOL



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                  I found the below chart to be helpful and inspiring too . 






                               We can do it / are doing it , one day at a time 



Day 3 for me . 




@AnonymousWhat a great stress-free entry into an exercise plan. Love it! 🙂


Oh I love that!


I have finally wandered over to this site on the invitation of @indingrl . I am adverse to exercise, as embarrassing as this public confession is. But I do know my body and spirit would benefit from it. So, I am opening up my mind to possibilities and shall return! 

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Good to have you @SuzyQ411  Nice of indingrl to send out an invitation but as far as I know so you and others know if they are checking into groups , there are no invitations needed , it is open to all . You may find many threads within the group and possibly indingrl was referring to the get moving group . Check them out as well . Mine here is not really a group although i did say anyone want to join me I'm very happy.  please come , share , anytime . This one is more excersise focused , the other is Moving the best we can and that could be gardening , yard work , housework , walking etc . Also some excersizing there such a short lifting weights , riding á stationary bike , swimming and Leslie. Sorry don't know her last name , indingrl does excersize faithfully to her , so a nice mix of things there . Do both , share as comfortable . We inspire each other there , here and in other groups ,just as we do quitting smoking . There is a few closed groups but none I know of are closed excersise  groups . Hope this helps .