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Quit Kit aka Tool Box

What's in YOUR Tool Box?

October 6, 2015 by SkyGirl

You know how we are always talking about having the "tools" to help us when we are quitting?  We talk about using our "tools" to make it through a craving.  We talk about using the "tools" we've been given to protect our Quit.  Let's talk about these tools.  

  It would be great if you could walk into a hardware store and say, "I'd like to buy some Quit Smoking tools, please."  You can't.  But if you's what you'd walk out of the store with:   

  1)   Education:  This would be articles, books, websites where you can learn about nicotine addiction.  The tool of Education will be key in helping you learn that you CAN quit smoking and never smoke again.  You will use this tool before you quit to get yourself ready and keep using it after you quit to keep you strong.  This tool gives you knowledge and helps you benefit from the experience of others. Example: "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr and (my personal favorite) "Nicotine Addiction 101" on   

  2)   Distractions:  You should have plenty of suggestions and ideas from other people here on EX about ways to distract yourself if you need ways to redirect your brain when you can't seem to stop thinking about smoking or when a craving hits you.  There are   two types of distractions:   Activities that will distract your hands/thoughts (examples: scrub your toilet, weed your garden, redo your nail polish, organize your tackle box, dance for an entire ABBA song, browse around on eBay, etc.) and   Flavors/tastes that will surprise (or shock!) your tastebuds and sense of smell (examples: a spoonful of peanut butter, a drop of Tabasco, a shake of cocoa powder, blue cheese crumbles, a squirt of pancake syrup, a whiff of curry powder, Fruit Loops one at a time, Red-Hot candies, etc.)  Make a physical list, written or typed, and keep it with you at all times.   

  3)   Human Support:  Online (like EX) or in person (family, co-workers, friends) can be some of the best tools you have during the first few weeks of your Quit.  Obviously, it doesn't help to lean on someone who still smokes.  Never-Ever Smokers can't understand what you are going through, BUT they can be your biggest face-to-face cheerleaders.  Don't forget to educate Never-Evers before your Quit Date, using the  "Letter to My Loved Ones".  You can find this letter here on EX by doing a search for it.  Many quitters have said it made a world of difference in the way their friends and family were able to understand and support them.  EX is, of course, an invaluable support tool.  I don't think I need to elaborate on why EX is so amazing, do I?   

  4)   Common Sense:  Your tool box should be chock full of common sense. Your common sense will tell you about things to do, things not to do, things that will help you, things that will hurt you, things to stay close to, things to stay away from.  This tool is different from the knowledge you got from Education (#1 above) because it requires you to be creative and think for yourself within the details of your own life.  It's that little angel/devil on your shoulder thing, right?  Oh, wait. That's called "Conscience".  Well, that's a good tool, too.  But be careful of Conscience because that can cause a very UNhelpful thing called "guilt", which has NO PLACE in the tool box.   

  5)   A Bottle of Water and A Big Yellow Lemon in a Baggie:  Okay, okay, these both actually fall under Distractions (#2 above).  But they are SO basic (the water) and SO effective (the lemon) that I felt they deserved the separate category of "Honorable Mention Tools".  If you feel like you are losing control at any time during your Quit, take a big slug of water from the bottle.  It's easy, it's available and it takes no great thought.  Sometimes a few big swallows of water is all it takes to get you back on track.  Or...take a deep breath and bite into that lemon, peel and all.  It is not pleasurable.  But it is a Hall of Fame Crave Buster.  You will NOT want a cigarette after biting that lemon.  I promise.  (The baggie is so you can carry it with you.  I got some very odd looks when I took out my lemon and bit it in airports!   But...I don't smoke anymore, do I?)   

  6)   Patience:  Quitting doesn't happen in a day or a week or even a few weeks.  As Youngatheart (Nancy) has said many times "Quitting is not an event; it's a journey.".  It doesn't happen all at once and the road can be rocky, at times.  Sometimes, all the best tools in your Tool Box aren't doing the trick.  That's when you need this tool : PATIENCE.  Thomas posted a blog about riding out cravings, experiencing the feelings, acknowledging the difficulty, not trying to fight it, and waiting for the urge to ebb away like a wave.  It was a brilliant blog; go read it.  Sometimes, you just have to be PATIENT.  And patience in action means this: When you think you can't stand it another minute?  Just wait a little longer.  It WILL pass.   

  So, Quitters, go check your toolboxes!  Are you missing any of these tools?   And if you have counted "Willpower" as a tool, forget it.  Pitch it out.  It won't help you find a Fovever Quit and it's not a real tool at all!  Instead of "Willpower", use   Education.

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25 Respuestas


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Don't understand.  What do you mean by "Start?"  How to use this program?  Click on the My Quit Plan (upper right) and work through the topic tabs.


Hello all, I am new to this site as well, my sister introduced it to me today. I also find that drinking Ginseng Dieters Tea with lemon really helps as well along with Planters Mixed Nuts. I just started my journey today with the nicotine patch CQ it is taped on my arm since I felt it might come off. I had that morning cigarette but no more all day. Tomorrow I will start with the patch and some tea, since this remedy helped me today. I have to stop I have no choice. I just recently had a EKG done and it was ok until my heart ♥️ flat line and started back up. Now I have to take more test. I have 3 children ages 19, 13 and 8 months old. I don’t want to leave my children. I am only 38 years old. 


Welcome!  Wow your heart flat lined and came back up.  That's scary!  Good that you were in the doctor's office when it did.  And good that you had the test.  Your heart will be really glad you are quitting smoking.  We are too!  Glad you've come here.  There's so much wonderful information that will help you get through this.  Chin up!


I'm in the process of quitting, I do have support from my mother  and best friend, this is the first time I've tried to quit and it's hard.... I'm waiting on my patches.. I try to keep myself busy don't think about smoking.. 

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Well deeelighted you've joined us!  And I see you've already started your homework (by reading and posting).  Good!  Mom and best friend as supporters, how great is that.  And we're here to walk the walk with you too.  Most of the long-term quitters on here (Elders), began with educating themselves about this addiction.  The more you know, the better prepared you'll be for the journey ahead.  Yes, it's tough, but definitely doable.  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2018/03/01/quitting-is-a-skill-that-can-be-learned?sr=search&searchId=ee2571cb-ad...‌  Keeping yourself busy and turning your focus away from thinking about cigarettes is a great idea!  The more you practice that, the better you'll become at it.  

There's lots of great advice here.  Take what you like and leave the rest.  Somebody will always take your leftovers.  To be helpful is our aim.


I need u to send me some gum and patches

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micmean123  Members here don't send out NRT's.  I would suggest contacting your state quitline 1-800-Quit-Now. (1-800-784-8669) or you can visit the state quitline and get their direct number here. Contacting your county health department or your medical professional might get you some assistance however patches and lozenges are both available over the counter. 

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Thank you  

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There is much more in depth Tool boxes!  I do recommend the more detailed things to do.

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