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Give and get support around quitting


You CAN if You Try Hard Enough


Talk about an inspiration!  And look at the smile on his face.

8 Replies

Unspeakable beauty! I used to train at a therapeutic equestrian center. I had several  students through y time times teaching, who were physically and mentally challenged.

Could be why its easy for me to cry at the slightest thing....the moment of ahh-haa... its a wonder overtime and when I see that 'moment ' on a new member here who finally 'gets it'...its  nothing short of beauty in my eyes. And to be a part of that...well I for one plan to be here alonnnnnng time. Because I love being around all this beauty. 

Now I truly need to go to bed. Beautiful blog Giulia  Warms me heart


So glad, Missy.  Interesting that you used to train at a therapeutic equestrian center.  I was just talking yesterday with a man who's child is autistic.  And he mentioned how great the interaction became between his child and a horse they bought.  How the child calmed down, was really beneficial.  I have a friend who has an autistic boy in his teens and am thinking of passing along this info.  He can become quite violent.  Any info you want to pass on - feel free.


WOW Giulia‌, that was seriously inspiring.  That kid is not about to give up, what a beautiful, beautiful video!  Thank you for starting my day that way.



This is so precious and is such an inspiration because this little guy has such determination he's a true Winner. XO


Brought tears of joy to my eyes.  What courage.  What determination.  What SPIRIT!

He brings a lesson for us all. 

Thank you so for sharing it.



OMG, no whining, no crying, no "Oh poor pitiful me" going on.  Just pure joy.   Love it!


Thanks G!!! Needless to say this is why---- however stressful it may be---I love my job because I get to see these kinds of moments all the time.

And let's not forget the parents who ALLOWED this kid to struggle and succeed! It would have been easy to scoop him up and run away (who hasn't felt like that for a child of theirs----a need to protect from the hardships). But that's not how we grow.

This is MUCH LIKE when the elders on the site dispense what may SEEM to be harsh, tough comments. It is because they lovingly want each quitter to get through the struggle and grow.......and succeed.

Great post as usual my friend.


Thank you so much Giulia! As a teacher of special needs kids, I have seen the courage and determination displayed by these kids -- and their parents. Amazing - and SO many lessons for all of us!