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Cigarette Butts

I thought I'd taken care of discarding all the reminders of smoking, then as I'm getting ready for church, I pull out pants and discover there's a cigarette butt in the pocket. Didn't trigger too much of a craving - just pulled off the pants and threw them in the dirty clothes.

Two thoughts here - for all of us Newbie Quitters, it's very important to discard all the things that are tied to smoking. Ashtrays, lighters, of course cigarettes (or any other form of nicotine you used), wash your clothes, etc. You do not need any extra reminders of smoking, not any forms of temptation.

Second thought - as a smoker, it irritated me that others just throw their butts on the ground, out the car window, etc. Granted, over my long history of smoking, I'd thrown my share on the ground, but about 20 years ago, I decided that was litter and if my choice was to smoke, the least I could be was responsible. People would say, but putting it in your pocket makes you smell. WAKE UP - you smell like smoke, you don't notice it, other smokers don't notice it, but everybody else does! I work in a downtown park and I could not begin to count the number of butts I pick up keeping the park clean. Why do (some) smokers the world is their ashtray??

Sorry - just needed to vent.

11 Replies

And you are so right, it upset me to see the butts on the ground, or at the park, while I was smoking myself.  I always took them back to my car, or crushed them under my foot and threw them in a garbage container.  Never saved even a 1/2 cigarette, not even in the carton pack, I found it smelled terrible. As for throwing them out the window of the car, that makes me so mad; we live in AZ, people drive with the windows open, and you never know when someone can light a fire on your lap, or like it happened a couple of years ago, on a baby's lap, just terrible.  A co-worker was stopped and fined for littering while driving, and I was happy.  Maybe smokers will understand their impact on the others, on the environment, and will always show the respect the non-smokers deserve.

So glad you're staying on the road to freedom! Those nasty reminders look just like that. Nasty reminders of a world we don't live in anymore. And when you see them as disgusting rather then as an excuse to smoke, then that's HUGE progress on a quit and a powerful reinforcement to keeping the quit.

Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing.



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Cigarette Butt Litter - two billion littered butts a day 

In my early smoking days, there were ashtrays EVERYWHERE, so it wasn't a problem.  Now, though, it is not PC, so they have all disappeared............I think this is a big contributor to the problem.  I used to keep a portable ashtray and aluminum foil in my car.  Never left a butt in the ashtray so my car didn't reek---would wrap all in aluminum foil...I never smoked in a restaurant if people anywhere around me weren't.  But - I am a naturally considerate many people aren't. 

I would love to see the PSA's come back - I do remember some being aired a few years ago.  The one I remember was a video of butts coming in on the ocean tide.  Very compelling. 

So glad we aren't adding to this anymore!


Like you I refused to be a litter bug and smoke.  Disgusting.  lol.  Great job on keeping your commitment and not allowing a butt and dirty pants to be a trigger.  Once we quit smoking we recognize a lot of little things we did as addicts.  Have a great day.  Enjoy your Sunday.  You deserve it. Great job. 


I didn't throw them on the ground for years after I found out how long it takes for them to biodegrade and what they do to wild animals Green Living Tips: The Impact of Cigarette Butts on the Environment 

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I was just like you I woke up to the fact that the world was not a giant ashtray and I was always annoyed wih the smokers who treat it as such ! My friend and room mate smokes and still throws her butts everywhere that anoys me more the her smoking does ! I also hated it when on break some  smokers  would throw there butts everywhere but in the ashtray that  the company was nice enough to provide for them ! 

I do think thoughts  like that helped to lead me to quitting the sickerettes  it is a process even  getting to that point !

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I hate seeing butts on the ground but I am sure that I contributed more than my fair share of them to the piles.   The last few years that I smoked, I carried little ashtrays with me so I didn't add to the litter.  It really is discouraging to see them on the ground at stoplights.  I seriously HATE the smell of cigarettes, new or old.  I cannot imagine how I let my addiction tell me anything different.

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Congrats!!  Yes, it is not cool to throw cigarettes on the ground.  It's wonderful to become aware of keeping our planet as clean as we can.  I am a huge recycler, composter, zero waste proponent.  Check out Terracycle.  They help you recycle just about everything!!  Love to all!!