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Give and get support around quitting



Today is the first day I have thought of smoking a cigarette - I have so many dam problems that came up last night, I am literally losing my mind.  I'm having problems with my teenager and found a snap chat account, that we her parents did not approve of, had a friend help me break in the snap chat and was horrified at the conversations going on in that account.

Well I gave my kid enough rope to hang herself and she did, she will never have the opportunity to have a smart phone from us ever again.  

I was almost to the point of going to get cigarettes and I came straight home from the gym and cried because I thought I was coping just fine and getting through all triggers until this crap happened last night.

I'm so depressed with everything right now.

19 Replies

Be depressed about everything ELSE, but rejoice that you are QUIT!  Obviously I'm teasing.  But I've found that when all hell is breaking loose around me, my quit is the one steady, sure, rock that I can cling to.  I know it doesn't feel that way in the beginning, but trust me, if you keep hanging in, you will find that your quit is the one thing that you DO have control over.  It becomes your strength, rather than your weakness.  It becomes your empowerment.  

A phrase that helps me get through the tough life time is:  "What am I to learn from this experience?"  It take our attitudes and turns them 180 degrees.  Rather than playing the victim we open ourselves to more awareness and more change.  For I believe we are spirits here to learn, grow and develop.  There are reasons why we go through what we go through.  And if we can discover the reasons, it makes the journey easier.

Hang in.  Just - hang in - no matter what!

Thoughts larger.jpg


I loooooooooooooove what you said about having control over our quit!  The last few days I have been thinking about that when things around me are happening, I think  ' don't let this crap get to you and get you smoking, at least I have control over my staying quit '   Great advice Giula 


First of all, you came here!!!1 WOW that on its own is amazing , your protecting your quit. You know that lighting up a cigg is not gonna change anything other than make you more mad/sad because you gave into the smoke. So don't go there. Stay here and blog when you can. kids these days...ugh! I always have the thing that I told mine.. 'Think through your action BEFORE you do" Think through what the consequences will be. usually you find that that immediate  'FEEL GOOD' action has really bad consequences.  You can also apply this to smoking. 

Stay Strong, you can do it. One day at a time:) sorry for typos, sprained wrist awhile ago:(


I am so sorry that you are struggling but so incredibly proud of you for coming here and blogging.  You are in the middle of NML and that's a tough place under the best of circumstances.  Our kids can be pretty challenging.  She is testing her boundaries and clearly she went too far.  I can tell you that I raised three kids and all of them tested boundaries more than once, all of them are adults now and they are setting their own boundaries.  How would smoking help in this situation, in ANY situation?  The sooner you accept that smoking does nothing to help anything, the sooner you will feel better and stronger.  

I don't know what the snapchat was about, I hate that program and took it off my phone, my biggest thing with my kids was to never, ever bully anyone, I cannot imagine how I would have handled them having smartphones when they were teenagers.  They had dumb phones and that was mostly so I could get in touch with them or they could get in touch with me.  

You are doing what you need to do, you went to the gym, you came here.  I suggest you take some deep breaths and celebrate how well you are doing.  Congratulations on 73 days!  You certainly would not want another day one.


You've got 73 days under your belt! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Sorry you're having trouble right now. It does happen. Especially now at 73 days. So stress still makes you want a cigarette. You can use that to your benefit and also, so long as you make it through this trial smoke free then you've gone a long way toward your permanent quit. 

Once you disassociate a life event from the addiction, you make huge progress! Hang in there! 




Just imagine for one moment how it would feel to throw away your 73 days quit.....please don't do it.  Over the years, I have seen it over and over again....once people relapse, it is often very hard to get it back.  Smoking does not solve any of our problems, in reality, it only adds to them.  Keep up the good work!  Tomorrow brings 74 days!


You are awesome and I agree with all the comments above I ruined a 170 day quit and im here to tell you I felt the failure and it didnt feel good at all and on top of that it wasn't worth it. It didn't change a thing if anything I felt worse on top of all that was going on. Now I'm on day 5 YES its a total start over because after all that time I woke up the nicodemon so im feeling craves and urges all over again its not a good feeling you've come too far please understand that you have a beautiful quit that you can CONTROL you can't control life but thats one thing you can say Yes or No to and it actually listen! I have a 12 year old sister that snuck on social media and showed her "area" via video 12 YEARS OLD. Things like that make you wonder where you went wrong but its not you never ever blame yourself or question your parenting. Punish him/her according and move forward take away the electronic devices for a while a teenager without a phone is the epic punishment lol just dont smoke and handle things that life throw at you one moment at a time!


It may be hard to believe while you are in NML, but if you can just hang in there and know that smoking will not make anything better, eventually you will reach a place where you truly are not tempted to ever smoke again. It helps to remember all the mantras; SINAO, NOPE, and "I don't do that anymore". Truly, it does get easier as more time goes by. For now, use deep breathing, exercise, or whatever it takes to get you distracted from the idea of smoking. You are doing great. Hang in there.


TWO pieces of good news!  You found out about the snapchat in time to prevent further damage, and YOU KEPT YOUR QUIT INTACT!

Cause for celebration!!!  Be very proud!!!!
