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Home Remedies

Diaper Rash

If the rash seems totally abrasive and if it has a beefy red complexion to it, shark liver oil or cod liver oil should be a good solution. These can be applied to wade off this rash.

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Home Remedies for Hiccups

Some of the home remedies for hiccups are as follows Hold your breath, Gargle with water, Place an ice bag on the diaphragm for sometime, Sip ice water quickly, Close your eyes and gently press your eye balls, Drink a glass of soda water quickly, Eat some sugar, Eat one tbsp peanut butter,

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Remedies for Burnt Skin

Apply aloe vera or vinegar on the affected skin; it will stop inflammation and pain. Avoid products made from benzocaine, lidocaine and petroleum jelly. Rub mustard oil on the affected skin and allow to it dry, this will take out the heat from the skin. Cut fresh cucumber slices and rub them on the affected area. Before taking bath, add some baking powder to the bath water, this will help to soothe the burnt skin. Apply lavender oil or peppermint oil on the burnt skin. Apply apple cider vinegar to the burnt skin using cotton ball. Take herbal bath; put few drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils in bath water. Take epsom salt or ice compress. Grate some potatoes and apply them on the burnt skin. Starch from the potatoes will soothe the burn.


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Remedies for Eye Infection

Treatment for an eye infection is administered after an accurate diagnosis is made. In case of conjunctivitis, doctors usually prescribe an ointment or topical solution that helps to combat the infection. Conjunctivitis is highly contagious and hence the individual must avoid contact with others. Blepharitis and styes are also treated in a similar way. Following the guidelines regarding treatment and care will help greatly in reducing the severity of the infection.

There are many home remedies for eye infections and many prefer them over conventional treatment because they are gentler and easy to use. However it is a good idea to discuss the use of such remedies with your doctor. While home remedies may be a great way to treat allergic reactions and some mild infections, bacterial infections require antibiotic treatment. Here are some of the most popular natural remedies for eye infections.

Eye infections such as a stye can be relieved by placing a warm compress over the affected eye. This helps to bring down the swelling and redness.

You can also place a warm, moist tea bag over the eye. This can reduces the size of the stye due to the tanic acid present in tea.

Individuals who suffer from recurrent stye infections can use a compress made with warm guava leaves.

Natural eye washes are great for relieving irritation in the infected eye. An effective eye wash can be made by adding one teaspoon of coriander seeds to a cup of boiling water. Once it cools down, use to rinse the eyes. Such eye washes also make great home remedies for dry eyes.

Dry and irritated eyes due to allergies may also be treated using a saline solution. You can either purchase a saline solution over the counter or make one by adding a teaspoon of table salt to a quart of distilled water. Add drops of the solution into the eyes.

Many perfumes, soaps and other products contain chemicals which can lead to irritation or infection of the eyes. It is best to avoid using such products.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these remedies may vary greatly from individual to individual, depending on the specific condition and also on the remedy itself. Many of these home treatments have not been adequately researched and their effects are not always clear.

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Home Remedies for Hives

Hives home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers

Hives Treatment by Eliminating the Triggering Factor

It is very important to know the cause of allergic reaction. Once you found out the triggering agent, it becomes very easy to fight the battle.

Hives Treatment by Using Cool Compression

By applying the cool compression it may help to provide some relief from the pain and itch.

Hives Treatment by Using Calamine Lotion

By applying this lotion it can grant you relief from the itchy feeling.

Hives Treatment by Using Milk of Magnesia

By dabbing milk of magnesia on the lesions, provides some relief. As milk of magnesia is an alkaline solution it helps in removing the irritating itchy sensation.

Hives Treatment by Using Herbal Tea

Calming our nerves is one of the important things to do, as stress makes the matter worse. Drinking peppermint or passionflower tea is very good. You can also try chamomile, valerian and catnip which also soothe your nerves.

Hives Treatment by Using Cornstarch

To stop the itching get 1/2 a tub filled with warm water, add 1/2 cup cornstarch and 1/2 cup baking soda. Soaking yourself at least once a day can make a lot of difference.

Hives Treatment by Using Aloe Vera Gel

Applying aloe vera gel or vitamin E oil to the affected area at least twice a day can benefit you a lot.

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Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure responds well to home remedies for low blood pressure that are used in most cases. A condition of low blood pressure becomes critical depending in the severity of its symptoms. It needs to be ensured that further harm or injury is not caused in a person experiencing hypotension. Natural remedies for low blood pressure can be resorted to immediately and without much difficulty. In mild cases of hypotension, low blood pressure treatment at home might be sufficient to reverse the symptoms and aid recovery.

A drink of raw beetroot juice daily and kept up for a fortnight or so is said to help relieve the symptoms of low blood pressure.

A hot Epsom salt bath some time before retiring for the night is also said to be beneficial in mitigating the signs and symptoms of low blood pressure.

On experiencing any feeling of dizziness or nausea, an individual needs to be aware of how to control low blood pressure symptoms and possibly prevent recurrence. This includes an increase in the intake of fluids that increase the volume and supply of blood to all parts of the body.

A natural cure for low blood pressure is the use of asafetida in food as it aids in the increase of blood pressure. Eating raisins in the morning, after they have been soaked overnight in water is another natural treatment for low blood pressure. You should do this on any empty stomach.

Practicing yoga breathing exercises that improve the supply of blood to all tissues of the body is also a good means of managing low blood pressure.

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Hangover Cures

Hangover home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers

Hangover Cure Using Water

Consume a lot of water before you go to bed. This should priovde some relief to the dehydrating effects of alcohol. Drink lots of water even after you wake up.

Hangover Remedy: Eat Some Food

Its a good practice to eat something while and after your are drinking. This helps reduce the rate at which alcohol enters your blood and thus can help reduce the after-effects.

Hangover Remedy: Vitamin C

Take vitamin C tablets. These help break down the alcohol content in your body.

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Insomnia Home Remedies

There are a number of home remedies for insomnia. Following a regular daily schedule, with definite sleep hours, is of great importance when dealing with insomnia. Once the body gets accustomed to a set routine, chances of insomnia fall tremendously. Home remedies for sleeplessness also include sharing thoughts and feelings with close family members or friends as this prevents the risk of pent up negative energy. A hot bath before going to bed following a brisk walk after dinner is also believed to be a good insomnia home remedy. A hot shower helps in relaxing the body while the walk not only acts as a good form of exercise but also aids digestion. The walk also tires the body to a certain extent, thus promoting the need for rest. However, one should keep in mind that knowing the cause of the disorder is very important for the treatment of insomnia.

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Remedies for Nosebleeds

The treatment for anterior and posterior nosebleeds follows the same approach, at least initially. However, if the nosebleed is caused by simple and common factors, then your doctor may recommend the use of simple home remedies, to stem the bleeding problem. Given below are some of the most common remedies for nosebleeds:

Ice: This is the most common remedy for reducing swelling and bleeding problems, for most parts of the body including the nose. Ice or a cold compress will slow down the flow of blood, causing it to clot faster, which will stop the bleeding within a few minutes. Apply an icepack directly to the nose and use it for at least 5 minutes or so. In case you do not have access to an ice pack, you could just place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag or a towel and place it on your nose. Alternately, a bag of frozen vegetables will also do.

Baking Soda: This remedy is good for nasal irrigation and can stem the flow of blood from the nose. Make a solution with water and baking soda and spray 2 to 3 puffs of it on the nose.

Elevation: It is best to keep your head elevated at least till the bleeding stops. Lie down with your head propped up on a couple of pillows or sit in a reclining chair, with your head above the rest of your body. You also need to ensure that you avoid bending over.

Vinegar: Dip a small piece of cotton in a bit of white vinegar and plug it into the nostril that is bleeding. This remedy will help seal up the wall of the blood vessel.

Steam: In case you are prone to nosebleeds, make sure that you inhale steam as much as possible.

In case these remedies do not stem the flow of blood from the nose, within 20 to 30 minutes, seek medical attention without any delay.

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Jock Itch Remedies

Keep moist and warm areas of the body clean and dry. Since jock itch is a fungal infection apply any OTC antifungal cream, powder or spray on the infected skin. Change your undergarments daily. You can use antidandruff shampoo on the infected skin. Apply tea tree oil on the infected skin, it is a natural antifungal.

The best jock itch treatment strategy would involve a combination of conventional treatments and home remedies for jock itch along with stringent hygiene and self care practice. You can use antifungal shampoos available over the counter to cleanse the area and follow this up with the application of over the counter antifungal creams. Dust on some antifungal powder before donning any clothing. Make sure you are completely dry before you get dressed. Change your undergarments frequently in an effort to keep the area clean and dry.

Jock Itch : Home Remedies suggested by users

Take Garlic

Since jock itch is a fungal infection, include good quantity of garlic in your food. Garlic has antifungal qualities. Apply honey and garlic alternatively on the infected skin.

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