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What Smoke Does To Your Lungs

Puff, puff, cough, cough,
I can hardly breathe…HELP!

You knew it was bad for you when you started, but that’s in the past. What tobacco did to you can be summarized by recalling that first cigarette. By the time you crushed the last inch, your body already knew it was under attack:

  • Your heart rate increased;
  • The cilia – broom-like hairs that keep your bronchial walls clean – became sluggish. Smoking for years paralyzes your cilia. Then, you’re protective defense against lung infection is frozen in time.
  • The hot smoke you took in assaulted the delicate tissues in your mouth, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Your lungs kept 85-95% of all the chemical compounds you inhaled. Among the most damaging – nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide.
  • The nicotine constricted your blood vessels, so less oxygenated blood could flow through your body. Your heart had to pump harder.
  • The tars in cigarette smoke, when cool, formed a brown, sticky mass on your lungs. These tars can be precursors for lung cancer.
  • The carbon monoxide you inhaled drove oxygen out of your red blood cells.
  • The mucus-producing cells in your lungs and airways grew in size and number because of increased mucus from tobacco smoke. Over time, the mucus gets thicker, and "smokers’ cough" develops. The mucus is easily compromised by infection.
  • Lungs and airways narrowed and reduced airflow. It became harder for you to breathe normally the longer you smoked.
  • Chemicals in cigarette smoke can alter normal lung cells and change them into cancer cells.


  • You will breathe easier in just 72 hours!
  • Your cilia will start growing in 1-9 months.
  • You will begin to cough less and your throat mucus will decrease within one month.
  • You will have fewer and milder colds and lung infections.
  • Your sense of smell and taste will gradually return.
  • You will have a better response to the flu vaccine, and be less likely to get the flu.
  • Pre-cancer tissue may return to normal. Your risk of lung cancer decreases within five years, and keeps decreasing over time.
  • Your energy will increase and you should feel like exercising on a regular basis.
  • You’ll have at least $100 extra dollars per month.
  • You’ll reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Over time, you will purposefully avoid places where smoking is allowed.
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2 Replies


thank you


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Although dated nearly 6 yrs ago....... this needs to be presently reiterated . Powerful stuff. 

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