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Is damage already done?

Hey everybody
I am a 38 year old man and quit several months ago, after for smoking for about 23 years, only to start up again, slowly but surely, about a month ago. The one thing that continues to stress me out is that I fear the damage is already done. I continue to obsess that I already have laid the ground work for serious illness which only stresses me out which makes me want to smoke. I've been a runner for almost 15 years, even when I smoked, and even completed a marathon.
Any suggestions?
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5 Replies

Hi...The only way to get an idea of any immediate damage is to get a chest x-ray...if that is clear...then the chances are pretty good that you are okay...and stay smoke free...all ex-smokers should get one...and follow up every couple of years...the earlier something is found...the best chance for a good outcome!!!
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I started freaking out about that too after quitting this time. Seeing the facts that Peggy posted helped me a lot. I smoked for about 22 years and the whole time I kept thinking to myself that I would quit before it was too late to reverse any long term affects from smoking. I don't know if I've quit in time to avoid all the things that could happen. I do know one thing for sure: if I do not quit now what ever could happen will be worse than if I do quit now.

I have started taking vitamens that support the healing of lungs. Mostly anti-oxidants. I went to a health food store to find out which ones would be best. They are not cheap, but I spent a lot more on smokes!!!

I too have always been athletic. I used to be a long distance runner. I love running, but I'm not capable of what I used to be able to do, especially during hot humid weather. I really hope that after some time, I will be able to do what I could before I started smoking.
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HelloBob, I am new to this site and I"m new to BecomeAnEX, but I"m definitely not new to smoking.I smoked for 34 years and quit for 2 months , started back and quit again. The one thing we can not do is buy a new set of lungs, new arteries or a new heart , but the good news is that we can choose today not to allow cigarettes to control our lives anymore, no matter what!!! Don"t dwell on the things you can"t change but grab hold of the things you can. You can change this, I know you can, so don"t give up, keep trying and you"ll get it right. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
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You are awesome Peggy! I am almost on day 3 and I want to go to the store so baaaaad right now.
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Hi bobpatch! i'm constantly aggitated by thoughts of damage already done as in dr. diagnost me w/ copd & emphyzema BUT i hold onto the fact that EVERY cig. makes a difference & combatting emotions of dogging self because i'm still smoking 1 cig. a day. Bob! every cig. does make a difference.
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