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If You Can’t Breathe Nothing Else Matters

                                Young Woman Oxygen.jpg

Can smoking cigarettes give you COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)?  Yes they can!

Would you like to wear one of these to get enough oxygen into your lungs?

Do you think it is true that when you can’t breathe, nothing else matters?

11 Replies

RoseH and I HOPE you have a good n.o.p.e. day


Thank Y O U !  indingrl

0 Kudos

I have copd and asthma . 

I do wear one of those sometimes , in fact I used nebulizers a lot years ago to help me breathe and it hurts more seeing this picture than not being able to breathe sometimes . I am grateful for this apparatus because it did help me breathe . If I need oxygen to help,me breathe one day because of copd I will also be grateful for that . 

Of course no one wants to have to wear one , it's necessary sometimes , if you have COPD .

Every one and everything matters if I can breathe or can't , it doesn't change who I am . There are just things much harder to do and I'm sure it must or will be scary . 

Cigarettes are evil things , so is Big T for continuing to put money over lives . 


RoseH Sure do believe it Rose...I have that machine, had to use it twice last week, yes “ when you can’t breath you have nothing “...I have a picture of me on my phone, just like the above and it is a reminder that smoking would kill me if I continued...Happy Monday .... Colleen 686 DOF 


Thank you sweetplt‌     When I get sick I have to go on oxygen too!


I don’t use oxygen, but a nebulizer at times...thought that is what she was using in the picture above...of course if I have an attack that nebulizer doesn’t help, ER uses oxygen with another cocktail...I hate it for you and I hate it for me...but we are doing it...keeping quit...


That picture and the prospect of having to use a nebulizer (which I had to last year at the doctor's office) and the added prospect of having to go on oxygen does scare me.  As it is, I know I don't breathe as well as I used to.  When I am tempted, I force myself to remember that one cigarette, and all those that would inevitably follow it, will only make my current and future breathing worse.  I look back now on all the years when I occasionally used an inhaler but kept on smoking. Stupid, now that I think about it.  But that is what addiction will do.


Amen!  DavesTime‌  Do you think I was any different than you?  Not laughing.  I know how that addiction to butts totally ruled my life...  I am so glad we are both here, instead of out there, still slowly killing ourselves!  God bless you!
