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The patch

My quit date is nov 6th I am considering going on the patch two weeks before.

i have cut down from a pack a day to a half a pack and I am delaying every time I get a craving (I wait 10 to 30 mins)

so any body think this is a good plan or should I just work up to my quit day and go cold turkey?

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3 Replies

Everybody is different, so it's hard to say.  The patch works by keeping a constant flow of nicotine in your system.  It allows you to deal with changing up your routines, relearning the associations with smoking in different ways while your body gradually adjusts to life without  the drug it has become used to getting.  When you go cold turkey (what we here call Smart Turkey), the nicotine is out of your system in three days, and then it's a couple of weeks of your body adjusting to its new chemical balance.  You will also be dealing with the triggers and associations at the same time you are withdrawing from the drug - but it does get it over with.

Hope this information is helpful to your decision!



Honestly, you need to do what works for you Pnicklin ... I cut down for a few months (some days I didn’t even smoke) and then I quit cold turkey...that was up on cold turkey, aids, etc., 

I think you are working on a plan for that November 6th date and that is great...~ Colleen 684 DOF 


It is your choice.  There are successful quitters on this site that quit cold turkey, used medications, or used NRT.  I did cut down for a week (on a strict schedule) for this quit.  In addiction, I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers.  Do some research on your options.  Here's some information I compiled on nicotine replacement.
