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Changes in Routine

So, I am kind of excited because today is a week without smoking/vaping and 2 days without NRT   Okay, kind of is not a good word for it, I am REALLY excited. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along this first 7 days and I can't wait to keep quit! 

The cool thing? I don't even really have "thoughts" about it anymore, it's more just urges, they're cravings but they're not the "I need a cigarette right now, I can't make it" kind of thoughts you get right as you are quitting, mainly they come from habits I am trying to break and make new positive ones in their place. 

So far I have:
Replaced my morning smoke with a stick of minty gum as soon as I get up.

Replaced my coffee with black tea for the moment

Chewed gum when I felt an urge at any time

Rewarded myself for the tough situations I've gotten through without a cigarette/vape in little ways

What have you changed in your routines that have helped you get through your urges and thoughts and cravings?

What would you tell a newbie to change in their first week that could help set them up for success other than just quitting smoking/vaping/nicotine?

5 Replies

Changing up your routines to reduce associations and triggers is REALLY important.  Like - take a different route to places you normally travel so the scenery is different. Keep a cold bottle of water with you at all times from which to sip when you are anxious or bored or just craving.   Buy your gas at a station where you never bought cigarettes.  Count the red/blue cards you see when you are driving.  Part in a place different in the lot at places you shop where you used to smoke on your way to the car.  Get right up and clean up after a meal.  If you always smoked on the phone, take it to a different place to talk.  Change around the furniture in the areas you used to smoke.  Change up the order you do things in the morning.....maybe go for a quick walk, THEN your shower, then dressed, THEN your coffee - maybe even in the car if you are going to work (by a different route than usual).  OR - bring your coffee with you to visit the site first thing in the AM.

You sound like you have a GREAT plan and have given it tons of thought.  Good for YOU!



I think one of the big things is staying away from alcohol in the beginning of you quit    


You guys are awesome! Thank you for all the advice and also maybe this will help other newbies as well.

So proud of you - you should be really super excited! Congrats on a full week! 

I used to make sure I had time to smoke at least a couple before work, so when I quit I decided to sleep in the few extra minutes. I also started playing a game right after dinner, as normally I would smoke immediately after a meal, so had to find something to occupy my hands and mind. 


I listed what my triggers were and rated them according to intensity from 1 to 5 and then I wrote down what I would do instead of smoking.  After dinner, it was to get up and clear the table immediately and wash the dishes.  In the morning, it was to feed the cats, make a cup of tea and immediately get on EX, I knew that anger was a big trigger so I allowed myself to feel angry instead of shoving it down.  Sometimes, I would write what I was angry about and then I would usually laugh at myself because it was such an over reaction. I had to tweak some of my plans but it helped to have things figured out.  Oh, I also ate Sour Patch Kids because they were so sour that they changed my mind and distracted me long enough so I could move on.
