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Tough day

This is a tough day for me not to smoke, but I’m hanging on. It’s day 6 and since I’ve been a little moody and antsy, I got into a huge fight with my 15 year old son. I’m just really upset and this would normally be a day where I woke up and smoked a lot. I’m not doing that and I’m not going to do that but my cravings are very sting right now. I guess it’s just a bad day and I’m learning to get through them without cigarettes.

47 Replies

Way to go on being smoke-free on Day 6.  Quite an accomplishment!!  Some days are definitely better than others...but you got this.  


"this would normally be a day where I woke up and smoked a lot."  But instead, this is going to be a day where you don't.  Where you continue to learn what your new normal is.  Where, when you hit the sack tonight, you can look forward to celebrating your first smoke-free week tomorrow!  Teenagers can be a real pain, can't they!  (Psssst.... don't forget your sense of humor.  It's a great help!)


Absolutely.loved.this. Thanks Giulia‌. I think even Freddy would agree!!

0 Kudos

Hang in there, practice breathing...



  Julie your doing GOOD


It is tough,  it you are doing so good and making this quit yours. My 17 year old upset me and I wanted to smoke sooooo bad, but I wasn’t letting him get the best of me with my quit. Stay strong momma!!! 


PLEASE remember that you had bad days when you smoked too...AND think about what smoking would have done for that anger.  I can tell you that anger was my biggest trigger, I would light up and puff away like a crazy person puff, puff, puff...all the while envisioning the target of my anger incinerating or at the very least, falling over.  How ridiculous was that?  Here I am over 6 1/2 years smoke free and I realize that it took quite a while for me to accept that it is okay to get angry, it is okay to feel sad, it is okay to FEEL, it is NOT okay to smoke.  The damage that I have done to myself is horrible and I have to live with it...just because I could not handle allowing myself to FEEL.  

Hang in there, it will get easier.


Congrats on day 6! Good choice to come here and vent rather than smoking. And tomorrow is a new day - where you'll be smoke free for a week! 


That's a big success.   Be proud!
