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Give and get support around quitting


Good morning


    Happy Monday!!  It’s a brand new week!!  Lets hope it is a good one.  I have some wash in the dryer.  Outside church got canceled yesterday because of bad weather. I went on Facebook.  
    How is your quit smoking going?  I had cravings and urges for years.  They have now pretty much faded into the past.  Also my mind use to drift back to the smoking days.  That stopped too.  Enjoy your quit!!  Namaste  

       N. O. P. E. 

4 Replies

Good Morning mikecity

It’s too early to wash, but I’m getting ready.  We had bad weather too so it was a stay-at-home Sunday...  My quit is going great!  I would never go backwards and have to literally “start over”!  Addiction to nicotine means I would get no merits for “time served” and it was be just as awful and hard to do!  No thank you!  My husband smokes and, of course, he goes outside!  I pray for him every time he does.  You should hear his cough...  and his constant clearing his threat and spitting in the sinks!  I used to call that allergies!  Not laughing!  He’s got a big box of Nicorette Gum from Bj’s wholesale warehouse.  At list I have hope for him!

Isn’t it wonderful, that no matter what happens, we do N O T think about a butt to solve our problems?  We are truly blessed!  I intend to enjoy my quit!  Thank you and thank this wonderful website!  N. O. P. E.

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Sorry for the typos!  It would Be just awful... clearing this throat...  At least I have hope!  I’ll proofread twice!  next time...

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Good Morning Mike mikecity ... My quit is going great...and I too am doing wash this morning...and cleaning least when I take a break I can enjoy the moment instead of smoking a cigarette.  Have a great day...~ Colleen 651 DOF 


And a good morning to you as well.

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