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Mood swings

Mood swings
I am really having difficulty with the mood swings. The first two days not smoking, and using nicotine replacement therapy isn’t too difficult. But then anger, depression, and sadness set in .

And I lose my quit.  Everything seems gray and useless.  I have no interest in anything. It feels like I will never come out of that. I have been there before and I don’t want to go back. 
Any information on how to handle the mood swings. Articles I can read?

6 Replies

 I get moody when I start getting GROUP texts from 8 sisters n 1 brother - all ADULTS yet. - SOME still children on the inside - I get so SAD in the physical being a HUMAN being filled with MIXED emotions - ALL at once and then I am over whelmed and I remain to pray - please I am taking about ME - not anyone else - I am the spiritually OK - yet it is balancing MY REALITY - just for TODAY - I breathe 3 deep breathes as I pray and ask MY Daddy God for HELP in MY Lord Jesus name amen - I state FACTS about MY reality - not anyone else in MY family - I live and let live with honor to leave them to their OWN way of grieving - with FACT'S not MY FEELING THINKING - I pray and ask MY Daddy God for HELP to accept MY Ma in HER last stages of HOSPICE and to lift the WHOLE family in prayer and to be loving and caring and a good LISTENER - sometimes I just NEED to vent OR pitch a fit because I am having a hard time letting GO - so I pray to let MY family just BE themselves and remember NOT ON PUFF OVER ME OR THEM OR MY MA DYING - so I come here and read and be HELPFUL to all other's -  just like YOU helping ME - today - to be grateful - I am NOT alone - I have your HELP and - WE ARE STAYING. NON SMOKER'S - TOGETHER - TODAY - Yahoooooooo Your very courageous facing your OWN fears and many thanks for letting ME be ME and letting ME just share


Hopefully knowing this is normal for many will help you move through this period.  Some quitters seem to have more physical withdrawal symptoms, while for others it can be more emotional.  I was one of the latter.  Honestly, it took a good while for it to pass for me.   Continue doing the normal things suggested.  Exercise, especially walking helped me a lot.  Try some relaxation techniques and do your deep breathing.   Remind yourself that it is temporary and it will pass eventually.   Look forward to knowing you'll feel better in long run.

That being said, if you feel  you need some help (and some people do) have a discussion with your doctor.

In the meantime, stay close and let those feelings out.



Feelings are NORMAL, stuffing them down by smoking is not. When we first quit & our feelings start to surface, they seem so intense that they overwhelm us. While we are smoking, we numb our responses & once that numbing is no longer there, we realize how intense our feelings are. For me, that was the biggest part of my addiction. Now, l allow myself to be sad or angry or whatever emotion l am feeling, it is SUCH a relief not to hide behind a smoke screen. The intensity of the feelings has dwindled since the power was removed from them. I can be the person l was always SUPPOSED to be but that l emotionally stunted by smoking. This is a powerful addiction & it will USE your feelings to convince you that you cannot handle life without LIES! You CAN! Congratulations on your quit, one day at a time!



The first couple of weeks of freeing yourself from this addiction are uncomfortable.  You get through them any way you can, knowing that phase WILL end.  Your brain and body are going through tremendous changes as you cease giving them a chemical they have become used to.

The busier you stay and the more exercise you get, the less these mood swings should affect you.  Get dopamine other ways - such as marching in place, going for a walk outside, eating a bit of chocolate, singing or dancing to your favorite music, engaging in sex, getting MORE exercise - the brisker the better.  All of these things will release the feel good chemical you are missing, and should allow you to get through these early days a bit easier.

If you BELIEVE it will get better; this part of a quit WILL end, you should be able to tough it out.  Most of us who have been successful in quitting felt the way you do, and we got through it.  You can, TOO!




All want you are feeling are / is something I felt and yes it makes it hard to quit...however, if you would just stay quit long enough and work the program, it does get better.  During my journey, I found quitting smoking was very much like death.  Death of someone I thought I loved...these are the 5 stages of death and with all honestly the more you learn about each one and work through will get to the other side and feel better...sometimes the first year quit we go through them more than 640 days I have accepted I am an addict and can never feed my addiction...please keep close...~ Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen 
