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Give and get support around quitting


Beware the deception of "be my friend"

Did anyone ever feel that butts were their best friend in the world?  Always there for you in stressful times, lonely times, good times, bad times.  Do you see a theme here?  Does you brain every tell you, "now that you quit, you must be really lonely and miss me."  Right?!!??!  WRONG.  I just had sort of a crying jag since I am by myself and don't have my crutch of smoking to be there for me.  And Fridays are the toughest.  That was the day I would buy a pack and only smoke on the weekends.  In my garage.  By myself.  Crazy, right?  Just wanted to come clean here and write it out so I could read it.  Man, how ridiculous but hey that's addiction.  Thanks for listening:)

9 Replies

Oh my yes...most of us thought it was a great lover....but turned out it was an abusive lover...who ended up trying to kill are so getting it...blakesgigi ... Hang tough...change up Friday’s routine...~ Colleen 515 DOF 


Thanks Colleen it really does help to "get it out!" and yes, I plan to change up my routine and take a bike ride after work today and

B R E A T H!!  I saw a dude with a cig hanging out of his mouth, driving down the road, and all I could think of was how stupid it looked.I felt truly sorry for him....  


When you feel sorry when you see someone smoking and not jealous - you are halfway THERE!

Happy to read of THIS aha moment!


It is okay to have these emotions, continue on one day at a time. with /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=1290...‌. Quitting smoking brings out the creative brain that has been clouded with smoke.  This is the time that you will see clearer and get those creative juices flowing.  Enjoy your quit. 


I think it was why I smoked for so long even though I could tell that it was taking its toll on me and my lungs.  Unlike you, I smoked every day, just not inside.

You are doing great, happy smoke free Friday, has a nice ring to it!



Hi blakesgigi

First off, congratulations on your quit!!

I see that others have shared with you about nicotine addiction falsely convincing you that cigarettes are your friend. Along those lines, when I first came to this site, other EX'ers suggested I write a goodbye letter to my friend, even paramour: those darned cigarettes. It was explained by writing such a letter we are able to start our letting go of something we had used as a "go-to" to fit just about every life event. And to solidify in our minds that what we thought of as a friend was actually a coniver whose purpose was to harm us. I'm including a copy of my good-bye letter with the hopes you might also "put a stamp on" letting go of these noxious critters; 

Wishing you well in your quit. Stay close. We have your back. ~ Suzy


Thanks for the reminder to do this Suzy. Loved your letter. Great that you shared this with me. 


You are doing super fantastic with your awesome quit journey YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come.....