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Free lungs

I just took a walk to take my mind off of cravings and also to see whether I feel just a little healthier in my lungs. The truth is I didn't get dizzy like I usually do, I was able to walk without any trouble in my breathing. Does any one of the newbies here feel like they're breathing better?

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8 Replies

Glad to hear this!  I am almost 8 years removed from my quit date, so I don't remember exactly when I noticed I could go up a set of stairs without having to catch my breath, or swim several laps with ease.

It IS marvelous, though, isn't it?!!!


Wow! I can't remember when I last swam a couple laps with "ease", so I hope I can see that becoming a reality soon as well.


I SWORE I would quit smoking if it ever interfered with my lap swimming, something I love above most all else in my life.  What I discovered when I quit was that the decrease in my breath had been so gradual (insidious?) that  I didn't notice the difference until I quit...and oh, my, what a DIFFERENCE it has made.  I can now do 4-6 pool lengths of crawl without so much as a pause...and I am not even that out of breath when I pause  - it's mostly to switch strokes.  You WAIT  - it's wonderful!!!

When the going gets tough, just visualize that lap, and then another, and another  gliding through the water with nary a thought about needing to stop for breath!!!!


DANIELA040220 I am happy you went for a walk when you had a craving and that you are breathing better...~ Colleen 513 DOF 


I am thrilled for you, really. When l first quit & l would read a blog like this, l was really jealous. Truth is that there are a LOT of people who notice big changes early on. I have COPD so no big changes for me but l can tell you that l have never regretted quitting, l will ALWAYS regret starting & then smoking for so long.




When i first quit i would walk a couple blocks and breathe like a bulldog, after a few weeks better, few months even better. I can run miles now 4 1/2 years quit. Walking as a plan is great to beat the crave.. Sounds like you're doing great, keep up the quit you're building


I keep saying I haven't seen much change physically, except for developing hypothyroidism and gaining weight.  My exercise level has stayed the same.  I still walk 2 miles, do aerobics, weights, etc.  I did all of that before and after smoking.  Walking is great for your quit--keep moving.


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I am with you. I have noticed it easier to do alot of physical activities after quitting smoking. I am glad that you are noticing the benefits already!!