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Darkened Lower Lip


Over the years, smoking cigarettes, my lower lip has been darkened. Sort of a broad dark line. Does that go away once we stop smoking?

7 Replies

I found this article for you:

Smoker's Lips: Why You Get Them, How You Can Make Them Go Away 

It seems as though they may improve when you quit, but there are other interventions that may also help.

How are you doing, btw?



I would consider going to your doctor to be sure it is not something else causing this . They will be able to help first hand and tell you what they think . It will give you the most accurate information . 

Congrats on quitting, best thing you can do for yourself . 


There's always something else related to smoking.  Hadn't heard of this one before.


Me, neither!

0 Kudos

I am able to help on this one ... sorta... Tyl3rdurd3n 

About three years ago...every time I got sun in Florida (even after putting 30 sunblock on and wearing a hat)...the sun would give me a dark shadow around my mouth...(the skin chin and under nose) was awful ... picture would look like I had hair around my face...which I didn’ I checked everywhere and with Doctor and no one could figure it out...thought it was my inhalers and sun...thought it was hormones, smoking, etc., after about 1 year quit and I went to my home there in February whoo more darkness...after a year quit of smoking, it finally found out it happened due to I do think this will get better for you, but definitely not overnight...~ Colleen 508 DOF 


I would go see a skin specialist.


About 10 years before I quit I had a purple mark on my bottom lip. It was right where I touched the cig to my lip. I thought I should go to a dentist and ask him. He said he would have to schedule a biopsy. I of course promised God I would never smoke again if it was benign. Since I didn't have dental insurance at the time I decided to go to my primary doctor. He looked at it and said that it was not cancerous. He asked me if I wanted to have it cauterized and while he was at it would remove a couple of other marks. I thought, sure why not! I walked out of there with HUGE lips. I went right back to smoking but put the cig on a different part of my lip.