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Give and get support around quitting



I failed. So sorry. Had a argument with my husband so what did he do. Brought me home cigs. So now I have to try again. I feel like a total loser. So sorry my dear friends. You can kick me out of Ex if you want. I will understand. It's so hard because I have no friends in the town that I live and no family to help me. I should have come here but he had me so mad I smoked them I don't even know why I did it.

87 Replies

I can only say that you have learned something from this (I hope) and will not repeat it.

Get back up, brush off, pull up those Big Girl Panties and try it again.

Some people have to take multiple attempts to get it right.

Next time, come here and scream for help!!

Someone is always around to talk to and help you over the rough spots.

Just post help in your title and I can guarantee that some help will be on the way.

One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be.



I didn't appreciate the put my big girl panties statement. You have no idea what my life is like but I will be brutally honest. I am a sexual abuse surviver that started when I was 3 yrs old and continued until I was 16 and left home. I was molested and raped for yrs. I am now in extensive counseling at the age of 62. So I put my big girl panties on everyday just to stay alive and not commit suicide like my brother 3 yrs ago. I don't mean this to be rude but It hurt to have someone who doesn't know me to make such a statement to me.


So sorry you had to go through all of that in your life

A slip is a slip and I’ve done it a few times!

Please continue to try again

Some of the people on here can be rough at times but they do have good intentions!

Good luck


So sorry you feel that you let yourself down but it’s ok, you can just keep on trying. I too let myself down and am just having an awful time with this quitting cigarettes. Don’t feel upset about the big girl panties comment. I’m sure in hindsight you realize there was no I’ll intent. It’s actually a saying in certain parts of the country. The first time I heard that saying I personally thought it was a pretty stupid saying... but I guess I got used to it now. I understand you have a tough background and upbringing as I come from a similar situation and it’s terrible to have to deal with all that. I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you allow yourself to feel better about the slip up with quitting. You just try again when your good and ready. 


It's ok. No bad feelings. I just had to let it out. Still friends

I also fight depression and have had off bad thinking.

Always remember that this community has your back.


Sorry to hear that.  We don't kick anyone out.  We've been there and had multiple attempts to quit.   If you've  done the reading you know these stressors are going to happen in our lives whether we smoke or not.  Have to ask, why did he buy you cigarettes because you had an argument? 

Many of us on this site have quit smoking without having support in our lives.     That's what the Ex is for.  Quitters supporting other quitters.  You are right.  You should have come here first.   Especially early on, reaching out can help to save your quit.  Get right back on track--do not wait.  And review your quit plan.  What could you have done instead?  For me, I would have walked out the door and gave myself a few moments to refocus.  You didn't fail--you had a relapse.   Looking back with regrets is not going to help.  Look forward  knowing  you can do this.     We're here for you.



What will you do differently in the future if your husband or anyone else in your life acts as dumb as your husband did? We all can do stupid things and it is not likely that your husband is going to wake up right now regarding his misbehavior. You can be the leader. The longer you stay smober, those around you, who do not get it, will come to accept and respect your decision. And if they do not then that is their problem.

Yes, definately begin again. You can do this. And Ex doesn't kick quitters out. What good would that do? You belong here as long as you say you do.

Yes you can, one day at a time.


I relapsed this past weekend as well.  I beat myself up about it for a moment and then got right back on track on my quit journey.  Give yourself some GRACE.  You are making big improvements in your life. 

Be proud of the positive strides you have made. 

Let go of the shame of relapse and look FORWARD!  

~~ONWARD and UPWARD!!  You can do it!  You are strong and worthy!!!!
