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Give and get support around quitting


5 days smoke free!!

So I’m super happy I made it through the week. Today is definitely better than the beginning of the week. Now I just have to manage the weekend. I will have my grandson so that will be a great distraction but also a huge trigger because typically my husband and I would trade off for smoke breaks or when he went down for a nap I would smoke like a fiend 

15 Replies

Congrats catsalvano on your 5 days.  You will do fine. Something to think about.  My wife and I watched our 9 week old grandson last evening for 3.5 hours . As I was holding him  I thought of how he is the first grandchild not to see me smoke or smell the smoke on me. I felt a sense of pride about the whole thing. Anyway I'm sure your be fine



Thank you so much! And he is definitely a big reason behind my decision. Thanks for the vote of confidence !!

Good for you. I am looking foi to be able to say the same. You are courageous and inspiring.


Congratulations on 5! Keep working your quit one day at a time.


Congratulations on Day 5 !

Great start. 

I a sure you would imagine, you need to be more prepared to be smoke free during week ends !

all the best !


Great news catsalvano‌- five days cigarette free!! Have you thought yet about what strategies you will use this weekend to remain smoke-free? LIke what you will do when your husband is in charge of caring for your grandson, or when he is napping? Perhaps work on a knitted crib blanket for him? Or start an online photo album of his pix? Or do your fingernails? Or...????

Stick with it. You've gotten through those terrible first days.

Hang on to celebrate one week free!!


To tell you the truth - I think when he naps I’m going to nap too. And I have three books in line to read too and I’ve found that to be super distracting - in a good way. So my plan is - if the cravings hit super hard - I’m going to do the nicotine gum or lollipops. Does it sound like I’m on the right track? Anything you think I’m missing that I should be doing ?


Oh my gosh that is GREAT!  Congratulations and enjoy your grandson this weekend.  Good you are keeping busy.  Maybe instead of a smoke break you can take a different type of break.  Take a walk, go to the store, start a puzzle or something else!


That’s a great idea!! I’ve been meaning to take him to the store so he can go in those shopping carts that are cars - know what I mean? This way it will keep us both busy and I can get my shopping done too