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Give and get support around quitting


Anyone else cave and ask someone for a cigarette shortly into your quit?

Day 10 for me and I did, I confess. Sadly, it tasted very good still. I don't want to start again though. Aaugh!!! Suggestions please! 

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I didn't - but I know lots and lots of people here who did.  Did you do the suggested reading and prep work for your last quit?  If not, why don't you approach this next quit differently and get ready for it.  Einstein said, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.:  I also suggest you look at your thoughts before you asked for that cigarette and plan how you will change them during your next quit.

This next quit I think you might try doing it differently.  And - get back to it sooner rather than later.  There is never a good reason to smoke  - there are only excuses!



Please read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently as you know it's not easy BUT it really is Doable, pick a new quit date and turn your DAY ONE INTO DAY WON you can do this quit believe it deep breaths and believe in yourself.....


Lots of people have had this experience. But don't let it define your quit. Get right back up, dust yourself off and start all over again! Make a plan for yourself about what you are going to do the next time you think about bumming a smoke. You MAY want to tell close friends who smoke not to say yes to you! It only takes a minute to get through it.......

Don't wait to quit again. that does nothing to help your quit.


I've had many failed attempts at quitting until this one.  I certainly caved a number of times, but I never asked someone else for a cigarette.  I had to go buy them.  It did make me laugh though to remember all the  cigarettes that "qutters" have be bummed off of me. 

The important thing is to start over right away.   Make sure you're prepared this time when those cravings arise.   What will you do instead?    Did you create a quit plan? My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX 

Reach out for help before you smoke.  That's what we're here for.


I promised myself daily that I won't beg, borrow,steal, or purchase a sickerette and I still do. Take the pledge!


The only time I was tempted to do so was when I was drinking alcohol. So I made a pact with myself never to drink around smokers. That has worked for me so far. (And luckily I rarely drink anyway.)

You may have to limit your time spent with smokers, if possible. You also have to make a promise to yourself that you WILL NOT cave, no matter what the situation. Keep promising yourself, even if you don't believe it right now. The more you repeat that promise to yourself, the more a part of you it will become.


Just tell yourself 'one is too many and a thousand is never enough'. I've been tempted but I try to remember that I can't control my smoking and I've never had just one. I'm rooting for you. Don't quit quitting.


Suggestions? Stick with Ex, read, read, read. 

It still tasted good? Or the hit of nicotine going to your brain within 9 seconds felt good. It's an addiction. And we break it one day at a time by not smoking. Yes you can.


I slipped my first time on my 5th day but I woke up in the morning stronger than ever. I was determined not to do it again and so far I am Day 23 into next quit!  If I can, you can!  Cause I never thought I'd see myself not smoking.  I even cried weeks before I quit thinking I may as well give in to the demon cause I can never be without one!  BUT I'm on Day 23 you can if I can!